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The application period for this FOA is now closed. This information is for historical and educational purposes only.

Program Overview - Division of STD Prevention


The mission of CDC’s Division of STD Prevention is to provide national leadership, research, policy development, and scientific information to help people live safer, healthier lives by the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and their complications. This mission is accomplished by assisting health departments, healthcare providers and non-government organizations through the provision of timely science-based information and by clearly interpreting such information to the general public and policy makers.

Focus Areas

CDC's Division of STD Prevention concentrates its efforts on four focus areas to guide STD prevention and maximize long term impact.

  • Adolescents and Young Adults – Sexually transmitted diseases primarily affect young people with health consequences that can last a lifetime.
  • Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) – MSM are impacted by HIV/AIDS, syphilis, and gonorrhea at concerning rates.
  • Multi-Drug Resistant Gonorrhea – Data continue to show concerning patterns of declining susceptibility to Cephalosporins -- the only remaining gonorrhea treatment.
  • Congenital Syphilis – Syphilis infection is a serious concern for pregnant women, as it can cause stillbirth and lead to physical and mental developmental disabilities in babies.

Cooperative Agreements

CDC's Division of STD Prevention currently has a cooperative agreement funding 50 state, 7 city, and 2 territorial health departments. The existing Comprehensive STD Prevention Systems (or CSPS) cooperative agreement expires at the end of 2013.

CDC is committed to reducing the impact of STDs in the United States. Through its Funding Opportunity Announcement, Improving Sexually Transmitted Disease Programs through Assessment, Assurance, Policy Development, and Prevention Strategies (STD AAPPS), CDC's Division of STD Prevention aims to decrease the burden and long term health effects of these diseases.

Funding for STD AAPPS will begin in January 2014, and renews the focus on core public health functions and offers the flexibility to state and local STD programs to direct resources to areas of greatest need based on local epidemiology and health care environment. Resources can also be used to support workforce development activities to create more efficient and effective STD prevention programs that can better respond to changing priorities and emerging threats, such as antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea.

Although the public health foundation of STD AAPPS is similar to the expiring cooperative agreement, there are some notable changes:

  • CDC has eliminated separate program components for the infertility prevention project and syphilis elimination, thereby providing greater flexibility to grantees to direct resources to support STD prevention reflecting their local situation.
  • The STD AAPPS FOA provides an opportunity to develop work plans, performance measures, and evaluation activities that are focused on program efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and scalable interventions with high health impact.
  • CDC has included support for STD programs to take advantage of opportunities created by our changing healthcare environment.
  • STD AAPPS supports modernization of the STD public health workforce to enhance and support program capacity.
  • CDC implemented a funding formula that balances the need to direct resources to populations with the greatest burden of infections with the need to maintain efficient and effective infrastructure. Funding is equally divided to address each of these needs.

CDC's Division of STD Prevention also funds:

Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project (GISP). GISP is a collaborative project between CDC, regional GISP laboratories, and local or state STD programs and their affiliated STD clinic(s), and local public health laboratories to collect and analyze gonorrhea strains. GISP is critically important given the current state of increasing signs of antibiotic resistance in gonorrhea, in particular because the gonorrhea control strategy relies on effective antibiotic therapy.

STD Surveillance Network (SSuN). CDC established SSuN as a dynamic network comprised of local enhanced STD surveillance systems that follow common protocols. The purpose of SSuN is to improve the capacity of national, state, and local STD programs to detect, monitor, and respond rapidly to trends in STDs through enhanced collection, reporting, analysis, visualization, and interpretation of disease information.

National Network of STD/HIV Prevention Training Centers (NNPTC). NNPTC is a CDC-funded group of regional centers created in partnership with health departments and universities. The PTCs are dedicated to increasing the knowledge and skills of health professionals in the areas of STDs/HIV and reproductive health. The NNPTC provides health professionals with a spectrum of state-of-the-art educational opportunities including experiential learning with an emphasis on prevention.

More about CDC's Division of STD Prevention.
