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2014 STD AAPPS Grantee Meeting

This web page is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being updated.

CDC hosted a meeting for STD AAPPS grantees on June 12- 13, 2014 in Atlanta, Ga to discuss progress, goals, and opportunities for collaboration and improvement. The agenda, a workbook, and several documents from that meeting are available here.

Important dates – 2014 dates and deadlines for STD-AAPPS meetings, cooperative agreement requirements, and reports.

2014 DSTDP National Program Outcome Measures for STD AAPPS and Associated Information Requests - Program outcome measure guidance for STD-AAPPS awardees should be submitted to CDC’s Division of STD Prevention by September 30, 2014. The document includes two sections: program outcome measures that focus on select screening, treatment, and partner services-related activities; and an associated information section that will provide baseline knowledge for project areas’ assessment capacity and activities.

Required Activities for STD AAPPS Grantees 

STD AAPPS Grantee Meeting Workbook 

2014 STD AAPPS Grantee Meeting Agenda

Driver Diagram 

Improvement Guide Tools Table

CDC’s Division of STD Prevention Program Support Team

AIM Statement Template

Model for improvement and Change Concepts

Meeting Presentations

Branch and Office Rapid-Fire Presentations

Themes generated in Thursday small groups 
