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Evaluation of STD Programs Deploying DIS to Improve HIV Outcomes

The application period for this FOA is now closed. This information is for historical and educational purposes only.

The Evaluation of STD Programs Deploying DIS to Improve HIV Outcomes Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will support a limited number of state or local STD programs to conduct evaluation of their use of enhanced use of Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) or equivalent public health staff to improve HIV outcomes, including diagnosis of new HIV cases, linkage and re-engagement in care, viral suppression, and linkage or referral to HIV prevention services, such as Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis or PrEP.  Each evaluation will include process, outcome, and cost aspects, in order to comprehensively describe and assess the benefits and costs of this relatively new program strategy. The overall objective is to strengthen the evidence base and documentation of this program strategy, to inform STD and HIV program planning nationwide. Applicants are limited to current STD AAPPS awardees. Applications are due August 25, 2015.

Evaluation of STD Programs Deploying DIS to Improve HIV Outcomes FOA FAQs: Answers to frequently asked questions about the Evaluation of STD Programs Deploying DIS to Improve HIV Outcomes Funding Opportunity Announcement. If you have questions about the FOA please submit them to

The full funding announcement is available on
