PHIN MS Support

Configuration and implementation support is available for CDC affiliated programs and to Public Health partners sending or receiving data from the CDC. Partners requesting the PHIN Messaging System (PHIN MS) application or needed assistance should contact the PHIN MS Help Desk.

PHIN MS Support for Meaningful Use

Reading the Summary of Public Health objectives in Stage 2 Meaningful Use ONC and CMS Final Rules will provide in site on the transport systems that’s right for your organization. If the Public Health Information Network Messaging System (PHIN MS) is select as your transport standard use the PHIN MS Software Request Form to request a copy of PHIN MS 2.8.02 installation packages.


The PHIN MS Forum is a collaboration Site Scape product which provides PHIN MS users an online office space. The forum provides features to participate in discussions, post questions, view calendars, search for specific topics, etc. Send a request to PHIN Helpdesk to become a member of the PHIN MS Forum.

PHIN MS Help Desk

The PHIN Help Desk is available to assist users with questions about PHIN MS. Contact the PHIN Help Desk regarding any issues encountered by sending an email to or calling 1-800-532-9929 option 2.

PHIN MS Online Help

Online help is available in addition to the PHIN MS Documentation, Quick Steps, and FAQs. A search feature is provided to find specific topics.

PHIN MS Web Site

Requests for additional information, Quick Steps, and FAQs can be communicated by sending a request to PHIN Help Desk. Our goal is to provide excellent customer service and provide the resources and materials to assist with the installation and use of PHIN MS.
