I. CDC's Oral Health Program: Strategic Planning for 2011–2014

Oral Health Strategic Plan for 2011–2014

Strategic Planning Process

CDC's Oral Health Program is updating its strategic plan to better allocate resources to guide the program's work for the next three to five years.

As a first step, the program solicited input from key partners, stakeholders, and informants to assist CDC to have the greatest impact on oral health in the coming years.

Past strategic planning efforts developed vision, mission, and role statements and described core functions, public health priorities, and goals for the program. Much of this work is still current and presented below. Public health priorities, goals, and initiatives are based on their importance to the oral health of the nation, consistency with CDC's core functions, and existing as well as reasonably anticipated future resources.

The five public health priorities and eight current goals address core/essential functions and key subject areas. These areas include dental caries (tooth decay), periodontal (gum) diseases, oral and pharyngeal (mouth and throat) cancers, infection control, dental public health infrastructure, elimination of health disparities, health policy and translation/dissemination of CDC products, and organizational capacity and function.

Strategic initiatives are presented for each goal area; the final CDC strategic and operational plans will serve as a dynamic guide for setting program priorities. In addition, it is recognized that core functions such as surveillance, state infrastructure support, and evaluation are critical activities relative to most of these strategic priorities and goals.

View II. Vision, Mission, Role, and Core Functions

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