Data & Statistics

Public health surveillance is the ongoing systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of outcome-specific data for use in planning, interpretation, and evaluation of public health practice. The latest statistics, surveillance systems, state indicator reports and maps related to obesity are provided.

Measuring tape

Adult Obesity Facts
What are the latest statistics on adult obesity in the United States?

Burger and soda

Childhood Obesity Facts
How many children in the United States have obesity?

Image of glasses and charts

Data, Maps, and Trends
Use these maps and interactive database systems to find information relating to nutrition, physical activity, and obesity.

Image of an indicator report cover

State Indicator Reports
Learn about behavioral, policy, and environmental indicators that affect childhood obesity, fruit and vegetable consumption, physical activity, and breastfeeding.

Image of a computer monitor with charts and graphs

Surveillance Systems
Nutrition, physical activity, obesity, and breastfeeding surveys and data collection systems.