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NSSP Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Logic Model

CDC-RFA-OE15-1502 Logic Model:    The National Syndromic Surveillance Program (NSSP): Enhancing syndromic surveillance capacity and practice

Strategies and Activities

Short-term Outcomes

Mid-Term Outcomes

Long-Term Outcomes

  1. Improve representativeness of  data:
    1. Identify, recruit, and onboard hospitals, Health Information Exchanges (HIEs), or aggregator services to the syndromic surveillance platform (SyS-P)
    2. Establish Data Use Agreements (DUAs) with (1) cloud environment owner (currently ASTHO)  and (2) identified facilities according to jurisdictional law

  2. Improve  data quality, timeliness and utility (i.e., complete, valid, reliable and useful):
    1. Register users for the SyS-P
    2. Conduct data quality assessments
    3. Use syndromic surveillance data and analytic tools for public health decision-making
    4. Collaborate with CDC on syndromic surveillance for health events of regional or national interest

  3. Strengthen syndromic surveillance practice:
    1. Maintain or establish jurisdictional working groups
    2. Participate in National Syndromic Surveillance Community of Practice (NSSCoP) activities and other professional development activities that further syndromic surveillance and practice
    3. Attend an annual NSSP grantee meeting at the CDC


  1. Improved geographic and population-based representativeness of syndromic surveillance data

  2. Improved syndromic surveillance data quality, i.e. data are complete, valid, and reliable

  3. Improved knowledge and ability of  state and local health department staff in conducting syndromic surveillance 
  4. Enhanced use of syndromic surveillance within state and local jurisdictions. 
  1. Increased data sharing between/among jurisdictions for local/regional/national health events

  2. Timely identification of syndrome patterns for anticipated or present public health threats
  1. Improved synergy/integration of syndromic surveillance data with other surveillance systems within participating health departments

  2. High quality syndromic surveillance data for improved nation-wide all-hazard situational awareness for public health decision-making, enhanced responses to hazardous events, and outbreaks.


