site ID

Occupational Dermatoses

NOTE: This page is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being maintained or updated.

Slides 114 to 118

Slide 114 and 115 - NBC Warfare Agent (Lewisite?)

  	SLIDE 114 - NBC Warfare Agent (Lewisite?)

  	SLIDE 115 - NBC Warfare Agent (Lewisite?)

This patient was seen several months after the Gulf War with recurrent blisters with minor rubbing and friction and spontaneously as well on the right wrist in a very localized area. During Desert Storm he was assigned as an NBC warfare specialist, and after finding some Iraqi chemical agents, he spilled them on himself while examining them. Although he was wearing full MOP gear, because of the heat, he had rolled up his sleeves while still wearing gloves. He decontaminated the chemical injury very quickly, but has continued to have recurrent blistering in the areas of original injury. This represents a case of dermatitis in loco minoris resistensia (dermatitis in an area of decreased local resistance due to previous injury to the skin). It was felt that the original chemical was Lewisite, or a Lewisite like agent.

Slide 116 - 118 - Irritant Contact Dermatitis from Fiber Glass

  	SLIDE 116 - Irritant Contact Dermatitis from Fiber Glass

  	SLIDE 117 - Irritant Contact Dermatitis from Fiber Glass

  	SLIDE 118 - Irritant Contact Dermatitis from Fiber Glass

These 3 slides of fiber glass dermatitis were from a young sailor who was removing fiber glass insulation from a USN ship (irritant contact dermatitis).
