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	two occupational safety and health nurses using OHSN to identify injury trends among their healthcare workers


Steps to Enroll:

  1. Submit the Enrollment Web Form
  2. Within 10 business days of receiving the Enrollment Web Form, we will send you two documents to complete:
    1. Data Use Agreement: We will mail you two copies of this document signed by us. Please sign both, keep one, and return the other to the address noted on the form. You can view a sample Data Use Agreement here.
    2. OHSN User List: This will indicate the identities of facility or system personnel who should have access to OHSN.
  3. Within 10 business days of receiving the documents in item 2, we will email all OHSN users in your facility/system a user name and temporary password.
  4. Upon initial log on, read and accept the OHSN Rules of Behavior .

If you have any questions please contact or 513-841-4337.
