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New to OHSN?

Make your healthcare facility safer, at no cost, using data you already collect. Join the Occupational Health Safety Network (OHSN) .

OHSN is a voluntary system intended to improve the safety and health of healthcare workers. Through OHSN, healthcare facilities are able to use previously collected worker injury and exposure information to identify problems and monitor interventions.

The system examines three types of injuries (patient handling; slips, trips and falls; and workplace violence) and exposures to blood or body fluids (from sharps injuries or other types of exposures to blood/body fluids). Occupational health nurses and medical directors helped develop OHSN to ensure the system was designed to meet the needs of its users.

How OHSN Benefits

OHSN can make healthcare facilities safer by

  • Identifying the most common traumatic injuries and hazardous exposures and how they occurred in your facility.
  • Tracking your injury and exposure trends over time.
  • Objectively measuring the impact of your facility’s interventions by monitoring trends over time.
  • Gaining access to innovative intervention tools developed by NIOSH and other OHSN participating facilities.
  • Generating injury and exposure data reports to meet OSHA regulatory and Joint Commission accreditation requirements.