Mining Publication: Triboelectric Effects on Polyethylene Methane Drainage Pipelines

Original creation date: January 1986

Image of publication Triboelectric Effects on Polyethylene Methane Drainage Pipelines

The Bureau of Mines performed laboratory experiments to evaluate the triboelectric effect of particulate-laden gas streams on polyethylene pipe at various velocity, humidity, dust-size, and dust-load conditions. Charges in excess of 10 kv were produced on the outside and inside surfaces of laboratory pipe samples when exposed to 40 pct relative humidity (RH) gas stream containing coal dust. However, no charges were produced in laboratory tests that duplicated the over 75 pct RH and dust-free gas streams found in working underground pipelines. Bare copper wire, which is wound around the polyethylene pipe in a 1-ft (31-cm) spacing and grounded, eliminated the charge on the outside surface of the pipe, but not on the inside of the pipe surface.

Authors: AA Campoli, J Cervik, RL King

Report of Investigations - January 1986

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10005087

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. Report of Investigations 9017, NTIS No. PB86-229572, 1986; :1-14