Mining Product: Best Practices to Mitigate Injuries and Fatalities from Rock Falls

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Original creation date: August 2000

Image of publication Best Practices to Mitigate Injuries and Fatalities from Rock Falls

This paper presents an overview of the most significant ground control hazards facing today's mineworkers. Analysis of recent fatality investigations and accident statistics identified certain job categories, mining techniques, and geologic environments that appear to pose the greatest hazards. Best Practices have been developed to reduce those risks. They combine engineering design, roof support, equipment, mining methods, and human factors to create safer workplaces and work practices. The Roof Control Plan is another variable tool in this effort.

Authors: C Mark, AT Iannacchione

Conference Paper - August 2000

Proceedings of the 31st Annual Institute on Mining Health, Safety and Research, Roanoke, Virginia, August 27-30, 2000. Bockosh GR, Karmis M, Langton J, McCarter MK, Rowe B, eds., Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2000 Aug;