Mining Publication: Bleeder System in Virgin Area in a Pittsburgh Coalbed Mine

Original creation date: January 1973

Image of publication Bleeder System in Virgin Area in a Pittsburgh Coalbed Mine

Air quantity-pressure and methane concentration surveys were conducted by the Bureau of Mines in accessible portions of an area being pillared in a Pittsburgh coalbed mine in West Virginia. These included two mined-out and three active butt headings and a bleeder system. The particular mine workings were started in virgin coal directly from a set of main headings; the main reason for the study was the difficulty usually encountered in adequately bleeding the gobs under such conditions. Although the two separate return airways in each active butt heading and the north and 1 left bleeders contained acceptable methane concentrations (0.01 to 0.78 percent in the butts and 0.73 to 1.0 percent in the bleeders) with significant total methane removal (109 cfm in butts and 631 cfm in bleeders), there were relatively large areas in the gobs with possible minimal airflows. This condition appears to have developed from lack of systematic regulation of the airflow across the gobs and appears to indicate the existence of considerably more methane in the probably low flow areas in the gob.

Authors: S Krickovic, TD Moore, JE Carpetta

Report of Investigations - January 1973

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10000716

Pittsburgh, PA: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, NTIS No. PB-225270, RI 7805, 1973 Jan; :1-8