Mining Contract: Mining and Industrial Safety Technology and Training Innovation

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Contract #1H75OH009822
Start Date9/30/2009
End Date9/30/2013
Research Concept

The goal of this research was to investigate how modern technologies and educational approaches can improve mine safety.

Topic Area

Contract Status & Impact

This contract is complete.

The materials generated from this work are available for download at the Mining and Industrial Safety Technology and Training Innovation website. Materials from this site can be downloaded in four categories: Toolbox Training, Dust Management, Mine Crisis Management, and Tabletop Exercises.

Under this contract, Wheeling Jesuit University’s Mining and Industrial Safety Technology and Training Innovation (MISTTI) initiative investigated how modern technologies and educational approaches can improve mine safety. This was accomplished by conducting eight research projects, creating four new training tools, holding one international symposium, and honoring one training organization with an award.

Significant accomplishments under this contract research include the following:

  • Potential improvements in occupational safety and health were achieved through the delivery of multiple presentations at mine safety conferences and by disseminating effective training publications to more than 400 stakeholders representing at least 26 states and the District of Columbia.
  • A specially programmed handheld computer was demonstrated to be a practical tool to improve inspections of coal impoundment ponds. This will allow for inspections to be faster, more complete, better documented, and more timely.
  • An existing experimental mine robot was modified to explore the sensor technologies needed for mine mapping and mine rescue. This research represented specific progress towards the 2007 National Academies Evaluation of NIOSH Programs recommendation to develop capability for “continuous monitoring of conditions, especially by remote means.” This work advanced knowledge of underground sensor selection, development of an interface for autonomous and controlled use, and demonstration of important robotic tasks.
  • A symposium in April 2011 updated 145 attendees on new developments in mine safety, including a preview of independent Upper Big Branch investigation results. Participants left better informed and able to improve mine safety with new information.
  • The training document Mine Crisis Management Handbook was updated to provide future participants in mine crisis management centers a handy review of responsibilities and roles they will need to perform. This updated guide to training facilities for mine rescue will help miners, teams, and companies become more aware of current training opportunities.