Mining Contract: Coal Mine Dust Mitigation Through Novel Scrubber Development and Numerical Modeling

Contract #200-2014-59922
Start Date9/1/2014
Research Concept

In the underground mining environment, dust generation resulting from mining activities remains a health and safety problem. Research under this capacity-building contract addresses the problem of dust in coals mines using two methods. The first method is dust removal using a novel scrubber and the second method is numerical modeling of migration dust through the mine ventilation network.

Topic Area

Contract Status & Impact

This contract is ongoing. For more information on this contract, send a request to

The purpose of capacity-building contracts is to help build the capacity of our nation’s workforce to address critical safety and health problems in U.S. mines by producing graduates with advanced degrees in mining and minerals engineering, and to help develop tenure-track faculty performing research in these areas. Applications for these competitive grants are announced as part of NIOSH OMSHR’s Broad Agency Announcements and are submitted by a Principal Investigator at a U.S. institution offering an ABET-accredited undergraduate degree in mining or minerals engineering.

For further information on capacity-building contracts, please submit a request to