Mining Publication: Assessment of Whole-body Vibration Exposures and Influencing Factors for Quarry Haul Truck Drivers and Loader Operators

Original creation date: July 2014

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To further assess vibration exposure on haul trucks (HTs) and front-end wheel loaders (FELs), follow-up investigations were conducted at two US crushed stone operations. The purpose was to: 1) evaluate factors such as load/no-load conditions, speed, load capacity, vehicle age, and seat transmissibility relative to vibration exposure; 2) compare exposure levels with existing ISO/ANSI and EUGPG guidelines. Increasing HT speed increased recorded vibration at the chassis and seat as expected. Neither vehicle load nor vehicle speed increased transmissibility. Increasing HT size and age did show transmissibility decreasing. HT dominant-axis wRMS levels (most often the y-axis, lateral or side-to-side direction) were predominantly within the health guidance caution zone (HGCZ). However, several instances showed vibration dose value (VDV) above the exposure limit value (ELV) for the ISO/ANSI guidelines. VDV levels (all dominant x-axis or fore-aft) were within and above the HGCZ for the EUGPG and above the HGCZ for ISO/ANSI guidelines.

Authors: AG Mayton, CC Jobes, S Gallagher

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - July 2014

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NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20045494

Int J Heavy Vehicle Syst 2014 Jul-Aug; 21(3):241-261