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Sexually Transmitted Infections in the United States

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This chart reflects the estimated number of new sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the United States (2008). CDC estimates that there are more than 19.7 million new STIs in the United States each year (total of 19,738,800 in 2008). Young people (aged 15-24) represent 50% of all new STIs. Among the eight STIs analyzed in 2008, there were 19,000 hepatitis B infections (8% among age 15-24); 41,400 HIV infections (no age breakdown available); 55,400 syphilis infections (20% among age 15-24); 776,000 herpes simplex virus type 2, or HSV-2, infections (45% among age 15-24); 820,000 gonorrhea infections (70% among age 15-24); 1,090,000 trichomoniasis infections (13% among age 15-24); 2,860,000 chlamydia infections (63% among age 15-24); and 14,100,000 HPV infections (49% among age 15-24).
Estimated Number of New Sexually Transmitted Infections – United States, 2008
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CDC estimates that there are more than 19.7 million new STIs in the United States each year. While most of these STIs will not cause harm, some have the potential to cause serious health problems, especially if not diagnosed and treated early. Young people (ages 15-24) are particularly affected, accounting for half (50 percent) of all new STIs, although they represent just 25 percent of the sexually experienced population.

This chart reflects the estimated number of new and existing (total) sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the United States (2008). CDC estimates there are more than 110 million STIs in the United States (total of 110,197,000 in 2008). An estimated 50,627,400 infections were among men, while 59,569,500 were among women. Among the eight STIs analyzed in 2008, there were 117,000 syphilis infections, 270,000 gonorrhea infections, 422,000 hepatitis B infections, 908,000 HIV infections, 1,570,000 chlamydia infections, 3,710,000 trichomoniasis infections, 24,100,000 herpes simplex virus type 2, or HSV-2, infections, and 79,100,000 HPV infections.
Estimated Number of New and Existing (Total) Sexually Transmitted Infections – United States, 2008
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CDC’s analysis suggests that there are more than 110 million sexually transmitted infections (STIs) overall among men and women nationwide. Some prevalent infections – such as herpes simplex virus type 2, or HSV-2, and HIV – are treatable but lifelong infections.


