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Campaign Images from CDC’s Newest HIV Campaign Focused on Increasing HIV Testing Among Latino Gay and Bisexual Men

Reasons/Razones – is designed to reach Latino gay and bisexual men in their everyday lives with information about accessing fast, free and confidential HIV testing. The campaign uses images of family, friends, and partners to emphasize a strong sense of self, family and community.

Click on an image to see it in high-resolution
Following are high-resolution, campaign images in Spanish and English available for download. These high resolution, public domain images are ready to print in your publication.

These images are in the public domain and are thus free of any copyright restrictions. As a matter of courtesy, we request that the content provider be credited and notified of any public or private usage of an image.

Reasons/Razones – Individual Campaign Ads

Campaign Images: English

My reason for getting an HIV test is me. Knowing my HIV status keeps me healthy. What’s your reason? Get a fast, free, and confidential HIV test. Visit or text your zip code to “KNOW IT” (566948).

My reasons for getting an HIV test – my partner, my family. What’s your reason? Get tested for HIV. Get a fast, free, and confidential HIV test. Visit or text your zip code to “KNOW IT” (566948).

My reasons for getting an HIV test – my health, my friends, my future. Get tested for HIV. Do it for you. Do it for them. Get a fast, free, and confidential HIV test. Visit or text your zip code to “KNOW IT” (566948).

Our reasons for getting an HIV test – life, love and pride. What’s your reason? Get tested for HIV. Get a fast, free, and confidential HIV test. Visit or text your zip code to “KNOW IT” (566948).

Campaign Images: Spanish

Mi razón para hacerme la prueba del VIH soy yo. Saber si tengo el VIH es mantenerme sano. ¿Cuál es tu razón? Hazte la prueba del VIH. La prueba del VIH es gratis, rápida y confidencial. Visita o textea tu código postal a “KNOW IT” (566948).

Mis razones para hacerme la prueba del VIH – mi pareja, mi familia, mis amigos. ¿Cuál es tu razón? Hazte la prueba del VIH. La prueba del VIH es gratis, rápida y confidencial. Visita o textea tu código postal a “KNOW IT” (566948).

Mis razones para hacerme la prueba del VIH – mi salud, mis amigos, mi futuro. Hazte la pueba del HIV. Hazlo por ti. Hazlo por ellos. La prueba del VIH es gratis, rápida y confidencial. Visita o textea tu código postal a “KNOW IT” (566948).

Nuestras Razones para hacernos la prueba del VIH – la vida, el amor, el orgullo. ¿Cuál es tu razón? Hazte la prueba del VIH. La prueba del VIH es gratis, rápida y confidencial. Visita o textea tu código postal a “KNOW IT” (566948).

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