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Objective: Increase the rate at which physicians test children (aged 6 years and younger) who live in communities that are at risk for lead poisoning

View the 2008 Illinois Logic Model

Abstract: The Physician Outreach Initiative is part of the Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH) Lead Poisoning Prevention Unit’s (LPPU) three-pronged outreach approach to parents of young children, persons who work in environments with lead hazards, and physicians with children (aged 6 years and younger) as patients. The initiative aims to educate physicians on the importance of lead testing, updated policies and regulations on lead testing, and how they can utilize the LPPU as a resource. The desired result is for physicians to increase the rate at which they test children (aged 6 years and younger) who live in communities that are at-risk for lead poisoning.

The CCDPH is restructuring its physician education and household intervention programs so that the resources devoted the high-risk neighborhoods of suburban Chicago match the need of residents in these neighborhoods. The evaluation framework is designed to examine the program in four key areas: data collection, provider knowledge, reporting rates, and plans for long-term funding.

photo of group
Left to Right: Kimball Credle (CDC), Howard Julien (Harvard), Daynia Sanchez-Bass (Cook County), Noor Nijar Ladhani (Harvard), and Cheryl Walls (Cook County)

< 2008 Program Evaluation Projects
