ACHIEVE Communities

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ACHIEVE Communities List

CDC's ACHIEVE communities (Action Communities for Health, Innovation, and EnVironmental changE) develop and implement population-based strategies that help prevent or manage health risk factors for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, obesity, and arthritis. CDC provides funds to selected national organizations, which provide technical support and funds to selected communities. Through this funding mechanism, ACHIEVE communities are able to capitalize on the experience and expertise of national organizations in strengthening community leadership, building capacity, and activating change.

Funded organizations will help to build healthy communities and eliminate health disparities by developing and disseminating tools, models, activities, and strategies for collaborating with a broad cross-section of partners. Specific activities will be directed toward reducing tobacco use and exposure, promoting physical activity and healthy eating, and improving access to consistent, high-quality preventive health services.

CDC's Healthy Communities Program provides funding and technical assistance to selected national organizations in two categories: (A) community funding and (B) translation and dissemination.

  • Category A recipients are the National Association of County and City Health Officials, the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors, the National Recreation and Park Association, and the YMCA of the USA. Category A organizations facilitate program development; implement a coordinated community selection process; award funding to local entities; review and approve community action plans; provide community-based technical assistance and support; assist in the local development and implementation of needed health-related environmental change strategies; provide linkages to resources and other funding opportunities; connect local communities to national partners and experts; identify nontraditional partners who can provide additional technical assistance; provide assistance in community evaluation methods; and support sustainability planning.
  • Category B recipients are the National Association of County and City Health Officials and the Society for Public Health Education. Category B organizations develop health promotion tools and resources and provide effective environmental change strategies to communities, with a specific emphasis on the following activities: building leadership; disseminating effective tools, resources, and community-based models; promoting electronic communications; providing technical assistance; and creating training opportunities.

The four national organizations in Category A individually select and fund new communities each year for 3-year periods.

  • In January 2008, 10 initial communities were selected to pilot the ACHIEVE model in its first year.
  • In March 2009, 43 communities were selected to join ACHIEVE.
  • In February 2010, 41 more communities were selected to join ACHIEVE.
  • In February 2011, 40 more communities were added, bringing the current total to 134.
  • In January 2012, 15 communities were selected and paired with a mentor—a previously funded ACHIEVE community that provides support and technical assistance.

Currently, 149 funded ACHIEVE communities are creating sustainable environments that assist people in making healthy choices where they live, learn, work, and play.


Learn more about the ACHIEVE communities and their activities.
