Why Is This Case Important?

A young boy in a jacket

A key part of the screening process includes communicating results of the screening tool to parents.

This can be a highly emotional experience, particularly if the screener has detected concerns. Good communication skills are essential to helping parents understand the concerns and ensure their child sees appropriate specialists to determine if there is a developmental delay.

This case provides a sample situation a physician may encounter and potential approaches to responding to parent reactions and concerns.

Navigating the Modules

  • Use the links at the lower left and right of each page to move forward and backward through the course.
  • Each section of the case is followed by a series of questions.
  • Some questions have multiple tabs; please be sure to click them all.
  • Be on the lookout for videos that show key content and materials you can download and use in practice.
  • Following completion of the entire module, you will be given a link directing you to the CDC Training and Continuing Education Online website to secure CE credit.
  • At any time during the module, you can use the “Course Information” links to find information about the course, navigating the module and continuing education credit. You will not exit the module by clicking on these links.

A young boy reading a book

Key Learning Objectives

  1. Discuss with parents a screening result that indicates need for further evaluation
    • Know how to describe the difference between a concerning screen and a diagnosis to a parent
    • Identify reasons why parents may be reluctant to pursue a diagnostic evaluation after a concerning ASD screen
    • Describe some important techniques that a physician should include when discussing a concerning screen with different families
  2. Understand how to support a family when their child has been diagnosed with ASD
    • Describe specific techniques a primary care provider (PCP) can use to support a family whose child has been diagnosed with ASD
    • Identify various emotional responses parents may have after their children receive an ASD diagnosis
    • Name the stages of grief parents often experience when their child is diagnosed with a disability

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