
Video Library

Module 1: Early Warning Signs of Autism

Observation: Boy Drawing Bunny

Boy describes body parts to his teacher as he draws a bunny.

Observation: Difficulty with Transitions: Joseph, 4 years 4 months

Shows characteristics of autism: tantrum as a result of having trouble transitioning.

Observation: Dumping and Sorting, 3 years

Shows child dumping and sorting shapes.

Observation: Echolalia

Shows characteristic of autism: echolalia. [Pairs well with “Observation: Speech Milestones at 2 Years”]

Observation: Eye Contact: Leighdionne, 2 years 9 months

Shows red flags of autism in the context of an ABA therapy session: no response to name, lack of eye contact.

Observation: Ice Cream Sequence

Demonstrates symbolic play and joint attention in a toddler.

Observation: Imitation: James, 36 months and Alex, 24 months

Shows boys imitating mother and each other in speech and action: parallel play. Example of typical developmental milestone.

Observation: Inability to Locate Body Parts: Sajid, 3 years 1 month

Shows red flags of autism in the context of an ABA therapy session: lack of social engagement and joint attention.

Observation: Inappropriate Play: Evan, 17 months

Shows early warning signs of autism: lack of joint attention and social engagement, inappropriate play with a toys, preoccupation with parts of the toy, lack of pretend play. Demonstrates interaction between therapist and child to encourage appropriate play. [Pairs well with “Observation: Typical Play: Kyle, 13 months”]

Observation: Joint Attention: Noeliah 15 months

Demonstrates aspects of joint attention in a toddler: pointing, eye contact, interaction with mom and brother.

Observation: Lack of Response To Name: Evan, 18 months

Shows red flags for autism (no response to his name when called, even with physical prompt; inappropriate play with toy’s mouthing). [Pairs well with “Observation: Response To Name: Kyle 12 months”]

Observation: Looking at Book with Mom: Katelyn, 14 months

Shows interaction with mom, joint engagement, and imitation of speech.

Observation: Nathan & Ben: 1 year 7 months

Demonstrates contrast between two twins, one with early warning signs of autism and one without as they interact with their mother.

Observation: Pointing to Body Parts

Toddler works with teacher identifying body parts and using joint attention.

Observation: Reading Sequence

Development of literacy skills from toddler to elementary age.

Observation: Response to Name: Kyle, 12 months

Typical response to name, demonstrates joint attention. [Pairs well with “Observation: Lack of Response To Name: Evan, 18 months”]

Observation: Shyness: Akifa, 38 months

Demonstrates shyness in a typical child, despite not speaking, she shows good social referencing and responds to the interviewer.

Observation: Speech Milestones at 2 years

Typical speech and language including age appropriate conversation between toddler and mother. [Pairs well with “Observation: Echolalia”]

Observation: Temper Tantrum: Harrison, 3 years 6 months

Shows temper tantrum in a typically developing child.

Observation: Typical Play: Kyle, 13 months

Typical play in 12-months-old: stacking cups. [Pairs well with “Observation: Inappropriate Play: Evan, 17 months”]

Observation: Typical Play: Richard, 30 months

Demonstrates appropriate play with toy cars.

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