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Sustaining Parent Engagement


Video Summary

  • Schools need to identify ways to sustain parent engagement by overcoming challenges that keep parents from being connected and engaged in school health activities. Common challenges include the following:
    1. Schedule conflicts
    2. Lack of transportation
    3. Uncomfortable at school activities and events
    4. Unfamiliarity and language barriers
    5. Inexperienced or untrained school staff
    6. Lack of financial support for parent engagement
  • To ensure the sustainability of parent engagement, it is important for schools to have a dedicated team or committee that oversees this work.


How can schools and school groups overcome challenges of parents being unable to attend activities due to schedule conflicts?

What are some ideas to overcome challenges in lack of transportation?

What can school staff do to overcome challenges of parents not feeling comfortable?

What if some parents do not fully comprehend the communications provided by school staff?

How can schools address challenges of inexperienced or untrained school staff?

How can school administrative and financial support be sustained, long term?


CDC Check-In Questions [PDF - 1.3MB]

Key Resources

Parents for Healthy Schools: A Guide for Getting Parents Involved from K-12 [PDF - 9MB]

Parents for Healthy Schools: Making a Difference in Your Child’s School PowerPoint Presentation [PDF - 4MB]

Parent Engagement: Strategies for Involving Parents in School Health [PDF - 1.7MB]

Promoting Parent Engagement in School Health: A Facilitator’s Guide for Staff Development [PDF - 2.9MB]

Full Course Download [PDF - 532KB]
Training Tools for Healthy Schools