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Knowledge Check

You are a member of the School Health Council for Jefferson School. The School Health Council meets monthly to discuss increasing parent engagement at Jefferson School to create a healthy school environment in the areas of:

  • School nutrition environment and services
  • Physical education and physical activity
  • Managing chronic health conditions in schools

The School Health Council has held several successful meetings with parents of children at Jefferson School. Ideas for involvement have been shared with the parents, and now the Council is ready to employ strategies they have learned about in the Parents for Healthy Schools resources at the school and district levels.

Read the following statements to select the most appropriate response.

  1. Plans are in place to collaborate with state and district chapters of organizations such as the PTA and PTO, Action for Healthy Kids, Alliance for a Healthier Generation, and SHAPE America. The purpose of this collaboration is to:
  1. The School Health Council has completed CDC's School Health Index to identify strengths and weaknesses, delivered the Parents for Healthy Schools: Making a Difference in Your Child's School PowerPoint Presentation to parents during meetings, and distributed the Ideas for Parents to them. Their next steps will be:
  1. In using the Parents for Healthy Schools resources, what is the primary goal of collaboration between schools and parents?



Key Resources

Parents for Healthy Schools: A Guide for Getting Parents Involved from K-12 [PDF - 9MB]

Parents for Healthy Schools: Making a Difference in Your Child’s School PowerPoint Presentation [PDF - 4MB]

Parent Engagement: Strategies for Involving Parents in School Health [PDF - 1.7MB]

Promoting Parent Engagement in School Health: A Facilitator’s Guide for Staff Development [PDF - 2.9MB]

Full Course Download [PDF - 532KB]
Training Tools for Healthy Schools