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What is Parents for Healthy Schools?


Video Summary

  • Parents for Healthy Schools is a set of resources that school groups can use to engage parents.
  • School groups that work with parents can use these resources to educate parents, provide practical strategies, and document progress.
  • Parents for Healthy Schools focuses on the school nutrition environment and services, physical education and physical activity, and managing chronic health conditions in schools.


What is meant by the term “school groups”?

Who typically delivers the resources for Parents for Healthy Schools to parents?

Does the term “parent” include more than biological parents?

What other terms refer to students?

Why does this course only focus on three areas of a healthy school environment?


CDC Healthy Schools

Action for Healthy Kids

Food Allergy Research & Education

National Association of School Nurses

National Parent Teacher Association

President’s Council on Fitness, Sports, & Nutrition

School-Based Health Alliance

SHAPE America

United States Department of Agriculture

United States Department of Education

Key Resources

Parents for Healthy Schools: A Guide for Getting Parents Involved from K-12 [PDF - 9MB]

Parents for Healthy Schools: Making a Difference in Your Child’s School PowerPoint Presentation [PDF - 4MB]

Parent Engagement: Strategies for Involving Parents in School Health [PDF - 1.7MB]

Promoting Parent Engagement in School Health: A Facilitator’s Guide for Staff Development [PDF - 2.9MB]

Full Course Download [PDF - 532KB]
Training Tools for Healthy Schools