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Knowledge Check

You are a member of the School Health Council for Jefferson School. The School Health Council meets monthly to discuss increasing parent engagement at Jefferson School to create a healthy school environment in the areas of:

  • School nutrition environment and services
  • Physical education and physical activity
  • Managing chronic health conditions in schools

In today's meeting, the School Health Council will determine which resources will help them identify opportunities for parent engagement.

Read the following statements to select the most appropriate response.

  1. An open house parent meeting is scheduled next week to educate parents about challenges schools face related to nutrition, physical education and physical activity, and managing chronic health conditions. Which resource should be used during this meeting to make the case for a healthy school environment?
  1. The Ideas for Parents documents will be distributed during the open house to parents who express interest in working with the School Health Council to support a healthy school environment. What is the purpose of the Ideas for Parents?
  1. The School Health Council will develop specific strategies for parent engagement in school health. Which resource should be used?
  1. The School Health Council plans to identify areas for improvement as it begins working to engage parents at Jefferson School and monitor progress as changes are implemented. How can this be accomplished?
  1. What are some opportunities for parents to get involved in the area of school nutrition environment and services?
  1. What are some opportunities for parents to get involved in the area of physical education and physical activity?
  1. What are some opportunities for parents to get involved in the area of managing chronic health conditions?



Key Resources

Parents for Healthy Schools: A Guide for Getting Parents Involved from K-12 [PDF - 9MB]

Parents for Healthy Schools: Making a Difference in Your Child’s School PowerPoint Presentation [PDF - 4MB]

Parent Engagement: Strategies for Involving Parents in School Health [PDF - 1.7MB]

Promoting Parent Engagement in School Health: A Facilitator’s Guide for Staff Development [PDF - 2.9MB]

Full Course Download [PDF - 532KB]
Training Tools for Healthy Schools