Modeling Infectious Diseases in Healthcare Network (MInD - Healthcare)

Supporting Research that Models the Spread of Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) and Antibiotic Resistant (AR) Infections

Healthcare-associated infections are linked with high rates of disease and death. In the last few decades, HAIs, including those that are increasingly resistant to antibiotics, are becoming much more common and a significant public health threat.

In order to develop evidence-based prevention strategies, we must understand how HAIs are transmitted within healthcare facilities and in the community. MInD-Healthcare will develop a virtual laboratory where researchers can investigate factors that drive spread of HAIs and simulate multiple prevention strategies to estimate their benefits in a timely and cost-effective manner.

What is CDC doing to better understand the transmission of HAIs and assess prevention strategies?

CDC funds innovative research to:

  1. Develop tools and methods to understand the spread of HAIs and AR infections
  2. Evaluate outbreak alert algorithms
  3. Assess the potential effects of intervention strategies

Researchers and public health workers: Explore the projects below to learn about each recipients’ research project.

Policymakers: Consider using this research to inform the development of relevant evidence-based policy.


Almost $10 million have been awarded to five recipients:

University of Utah
  • Improve the effectiveness of modeling of antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance.
  • Use models, tailored with patient flow and health economic data, to support decisions about outbreak control interventions and to prevent transmission of resistant pathogens.
RTI International
  • Develop a model of a regional healthcare network and extend it statewide (NC).
  • Model patient movement through areas of high risk for carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) and Clostridium difficile transmission, including hospitals and long term care facilities.
  • Assess regional model’s utility to identify priority areas for prevention and policy development. 
University of Iowa
  • Develop and validate models focused on aspects of hospital layout and healthcare worker/patient flow.
  • Assess the effectiveness of hospital-based interventions through the simulated spread of HAIs.
Washington State University
  • Analyze the effectiveness of specific contact precaution policies in conjunction with hand hygiene initiatives
  • Compare horizontal versus vertical infection control to determine optimal strategies
  • Explore the role companion animals play in the transmission and persistence of human pathogens
Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics, and Policy (CDDEP)
  • Analyze data stored in electronic medical records.
  • Develop models for within-hospital transmission of MDROs.
  • Inform regional health policy decisions for hospital interventions by examining transfer of patients between facilities.

These investments are part of CDC’s Antibiotic Resistance Solutions Initiative and empower the nation to combat AR and the threat it brings to people, modern medicine, and to the healthcare, veterinary, and agriculture industries. These investments work toward meeting national goals to prevent drug-resistant infections. Learn more about CDC’s ongoing innovative work to protect Americans from AR threats in the AR Investment Map (Fiscal Year 2016).