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Publications Archive
Blood Pressure/Hypertension collapsed
- September 2014: Pharmacist-Physician Team Approach to Medication-Therapy Management of Hypertension[PDF-612K]
- May 2014: High Prevalence of Undetected and Uncontrolled Hypertension in Treated Patients[PDF-194K]
- March 2014: Undiagnosed Hypertension among Young Adults Who Regularly Use Primary Care[PDF-155K]
- January 2014: Improving Refill Adherence and Hypertension Control in Black Patients[PDF-497K]
- November 2013: Improved Blood Pressure Control through a Large-Scale Hypertension Program[PDF-219K]
- July 2013: Web-Based Home Blood Pressure Monitoring with Pharmacist Support[PDF-160K]
- April 2013: Using Self Blood Pressure Monitoring to Manage Uncontrolled Blood Pressure in Medically Underserved Areas[PDF-573K]
- December 2012: Trends in Blood Pressure Medication Use and Control Among U.S. Adults with High Blood Pressure[PDF-323K]
- October 2012: Assessing the Importance of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring for Hypertensive Patients[PDF-95K]
- September 2012: Prevalence, Management, and Control of Hypertension among U.S. Workers: Does Occupation Matter?[PDF-144K]
- June 2012: Getting the Message Across in Hypertension Care[PDF-468K]
- May 2012: Blood Pressure Control among U.S. Veterans[PDF-393K]
- April 2012: Regular Use of Home Blood Pressure Monitors[PDF-357K]
- March 2012: The Hypertension Team[PDF-305K]
- January 2012: Impact of Blood Pressure and Blood Pressure Change During Middle Age[PDF-303K]
- June 2011: Home Blood Pressure Monitoring: How Good a Predictor of Long-Term Risk?[PDF-265K]
- January 2011: Hospitalization Costs Associated with Hypertension as a Secondary Diagnosis[PDF-227K]
- January 2011: A Closer Look at African American Men and High Blood Pressure Control[PDF-261K]
Cardiovascular Disease collapsed
- December 2014: Antihypertensive Medication Adherence Assessment Method and Cardiovascular Risk[PDF-707K]
- November 2014: Predictors of Major Heart Disease Risk Factors Among South Carolina WISEWOMAN Participants[PDF-689K]
- August 2014: Community-Based Approaches to Cardiovascular Health Interventions in Vulnerable Populations[PDF-171K]
- July 2014: Comparing In-Person Counseling with Web-Based Lifestyle and Medication Interventions to Reduce Coronary Heart Disease Risk[PDF-589K]
- June 2014: The Effect of the Missouri WISEWOMAN Program on Control of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Among Low-Income Women[PDF-439K]
- February 2014: Urban-Rural Differences in Coronary Heart Disease Death Rates in the United States: 1999–2009[PDF-158K]
- December 2013: Childhood Lifestyle and Clinical Determinants of Adult Cardiovascular Health[PDF-162K]
- August 2013: Relationship of Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity to Cardiovascular Disease Risk[PDF-151K]
- May 2013: Status of Cardiovascular Health in U.S. Adolescents[PDF-104K]
- February 2013: Individualized Risk Messaging for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention[PDF-498K]
- November 2012: Million Hearts™—Where Population Health and Clinical Practice Intersect[PDF-186K]
- July 2012: A Validated Prediction Tool for Initial Survivors of In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest[PDF-356K]
- February 2012: Benefits of Achieving Optimal CVD Risk Factor Levels for Older Men[PDF-313K]
- December 2011: Secondary Prevention and Risk Reduction Therapy for Patients with Coronary and Other Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease[PDF-431K]
- October 2011: Impact of Pharmacist Care in the Management of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors[PDF-332K]
- April 2011: Proportion of the Decline in Cardiovascular Mortality Disease due to Prevention Versus Treatment: Public Health Versus Clinical Care[PDF-289K]
- April 2011: Effectiveness-Based Guidelines for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Women[PDF-282K]
- January 2011: The Role of Obesity in the Development of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Related Preventive Measures: Project HeartBeat![PDF-189K]
Community Health Workers collapsed
- September 2013: A Cost Analysis of a Rural Community Health Worker Program[PDF-150K]
- June 2013: Cost-Effectiveness of Nurse Practitioner/Community Health Worker Care to Reduce Cardiovascular Health Disparities[PDF-258K]
- January 2013: The Impact of Community Health Workers on Cardiovascular Risk Reduction[PDF-714K]
- November 2011: Community Outreach and Cardiovascular Health (COACH) Trial[PDF-365K]
- July 2011: The Future Role of Community Health Centers in a Changing Health Care Landscape[PDF-264K]
- June 2011: Community Health Workers “101” for Providers and Other Stakeholders[PDF-288K]
- April 2011: Addressing Chronic Disease Through Community Health Workers: A Policy and Systems-Level Approach[PDF-331K]
- January 2011: Community Health Workers: Part of the Solution[PDF-285K]
Economics of Cardiovascular Disease collapsed
Patient Centered Medical Homes collapsed
Smoking collapsed
- February 2011: Nonsmokers’ Exposure to Secondhand Smoke[PDF-237K]
Sodium collapsed
Worksite Wellness Programs collapsed
Telemedicine collapsed
Coffee Breaks: Webinar Series
Evaluation collapsed
- October 14, 2014: Evaluating Team-Based Care[PDF-946K]
- August 12, 2014: Conducting a SWOT Analysis for Evaluation Training[PDF-731K]
- July 8, 2014: Facilitation Skills for Evaluators—Getting the Most Out of Partnership Engagement[PDF-1.7M]
- June 10, 2014: Evaluation Management: Coordination Across Multiple Teams[PDF-2.6M]
- May 2014: Evaluating Quality Improvement Interventions[PDF-1.3M]
- April 8, 2014: Evaluating Environmental Approaches: Example from Nutrition[PDF-1.6M]
- March 11, 2014: Evaluating Community-Clinical Linkages[PDF-1.3M]
- February 11, 2014: Integrating Performance Measures into Your Evaluation Plan[PDF-1.7M]
- January 14, 2014: Establishing a Baseline as Part of Your Evaluation[PDF-1.5M]
- September 10, 2013: Making Logic Models Work for You[PDF-1.7M]
- August 13, 2013: Reach Revisited[PDF-2.6M]
- July 9, 2013: Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Evaluation[PDF-2M]
- June 11, 2013: What Counts as Evidence?[PDF-3.7M]
- March 2013: Overview of the Evaluation and Program Effectiveness Team Products[PDF-3.7M]
- February 2013: Reporting Evaluation Findings to Ensure Use[PDF-3.3M]
- January 8, 2013: Conducting a Cost Analysis[PDF-4.2M]
- December 11, 2012: Evaluating Quality Improvement Initiatives—An Example of a High Blood Pressure Clinical QI Intervention[PDF-4.2M]
- November 13, 2012: Evaluating Community Health Worker Programs[PDF-4.4M]
- October 9, 2012: Tools for Partnership Evaluation[PDF-4.1M]
- September 11, 2012: Cultural Competence in Evaluation[PDF-3.8M]
- August 14, 2012: What is Performance Management?[PDF-1.3M]
- July 10, 2012: Using Mixed Methods in Program Evaluation[PDF-1.3M]
- June, 2012: Developing an Evaluation Plan: Setting the Course for Effective Program Evaluation[PDF-3.3M]
- May 8, 2012: Streamlining the Evaluation of Public Health Surveillance Systems[PDF-5.1M]
- April 10, 2012: Using Evaluation Interim Findings for Program Improvement[PDF-3.5M]
- March 13, 2012: Using Qualitative Data to Share Programmatic Success[PDF-1M]
- February 14, 2012: Using Likert Scales in Evaluation Survey Work[PDF 1.4M]
- January 10, 2012: Introduction to Economic Evaluation[PDF-1.3M]
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- Page last reviewed: August 21, 2017
- Page last updated: August 21, 2017
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