Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
CAS ID #: 83-32-9, 120-12-7
Affected Organ Systems: Dermal (Skin), Hepatic (Liver), Immunological (Immune System)
Cancer Classification: None
Please contact NTP, IARC, or EPA’s IRIS Hotline with questions on cancer and cancer classification.
Chemical Classification: Hydrocarbons (contain hydrogen and carbon atoms)Summary: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of over 100 different chemicals that are formed during the incomplete burning of coal, oil and gas, garbage, or other organic substances like tobacco or charbroiled meat. PAHs are usually found as a mixture containing two or more of these compounds, such as soot.
Some PAHs are manufactured. These pure PAHs usually exist as colorless, white, or pale yellow-green solids. PAHs are found in coal tar, crude oil, creosote, and roofing tar, but a few are used in medicines or to make dyes, plastics, and pesticides.
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Fact sheet that answers the most frequently asked questions about a contaminant and its health effects.
Summary about a hazardous substance taken from Chapter One of its respective ATSDR Toxicological Profile.
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Succinctly characterizes the toxicologic and adverse health effects information for a hazardous substance.
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- Page last reviewed: March 3, 2011
- Page last updated: March 3, 2011
- Content source: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
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