ATSDR - Toxic Substances - n-Nitrosodimethylamine
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CAS ID #: 62-75-9

Affected Organ Systems: Immunological (Immune System)

Cancer Classification: NTP: Reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen

Please contact NTP, IARC, or EPA’s IRIS Hotline with questions on cancer and cancer classification.

Chemical Classification: Nitrosamines/ethers/alcohols

Summary: n-Nitrosodimethylamine is produced by industry only in small amounts for research. At room temperature, it is a yellow liquid with no distinct odor. It was used to make rocket fuel, but this use was stopped after unusually high levels of this chemical were found in air, water, and soil samples collected near a rocket fuel manufacturing plant. It is used in some cosmetic and toiletry products and in cleansers. n-Nitrosodimethylamine is unintentionally formed during various manufacturing processes and in air, water, and soil from reactions involving other chemicals called alkylamines. It is also found in some foods and may be formed in the body.

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