প্রতীকের ভিত্তিতে মৌলসমূহের তালিকা

বর্তমান প্রতীকসমূহ

Symbol Name Origin of Symbol Atomic Number Atomic Mass Group Period
AcActiniumGreek aktinos89[227][1] 7
AgSilverLatin argentum47107.8682(2)[2]115
AlAluminium (Aluminum)Latin alumen1326.9815386(8)133
AmAmericiumthe Americas95[243][1] 7
ArArgonGreek argon1839.948(1)[2][3]183
AsArsenicGreek arsenikos3374.92160(2)154
AtAstatineGreek astatos85[210][1]176
AuGoldLatin aurum79196.966569(4)116
BBoronborax and carbon510.811(7)[2][3][4]132
BaBariumGreek barys56137.327(7)26
BhBohriumNiels Bohr107[264][1]77
BiBismuthcorruption of the German wissmuth83208.98040(1)156
BkBerkeliumBerkeley, California97[247][1] 7
BrBromineGreek bromos3579.904(1)174
CCarbonLatin carbo612.0107(8)[2][3]142
CaCalciumLatin calx2040.078(4)[2]24
CdCadmiumGreek kadmia48112.411(8)[2]125
CeCeriumCeres58140.116(1)[2] 6
CfCaliforniumState and University of California98[251][1] 7
ClChlorineGreek chloros1735.453(2)[2][3][4]173
CmCuriumPierre and Marie Curie96[247][1] 7
CoCobaltGerman kobold2758.933195(5)94
CrChromiumGreek chroma2451.9961(6)64
CsCaesium (Cesium)Latin caesius55132.9054519(2)16
CuCopperLatin Cuprum2963.546(3)[3]114
DbDubniumDubna, Russia105[262][1]57
DsDarmstadtiumDarmstadt, Germany110[271][1]107
DyDysprosiumGreek dysprositos66162.500(1)[2] 6
ErErbiumYtterby, Sweden68167.259(3)[2] 6
EsEinsteiniumAlbert Einstein99[252][1] 7
EuEuropiumEurope63151.964(1)[2] 6
FFluorineLatin fluo918.9984032(5)172
FeIronLatin ferrum2655.845(2)84
FmFermiumEnrico Fermi100[257][1] 7
GaGalliumLatin Gallia3169.723(1)134
GdGadoliniumgadolinite64157.25(3)[2] 6
HHydrogenGreek hydror and gen11.00794(7)[2][3][4]11
HeHeliumGreek helios24.002602(2)[2][3]181
HfHafniumLatin Hafnia72178.49(2)46
HgMercuryLatin hydrargyrum80200.59(2)126
HoHolmiumLatin Holmia67164.930 32(2) 6
HsHassiumHesse, Germany108[277][1]87
IIodineGreek ioeides53126.904 47(3)175
InIndiumindigo blue49114.818(3)135
IrIridiumGreek iris77192.217(3)96
KPotassium (Kalium)Latin kalium1939.0983(1)14
KrKryptonGreek kryptos3683.798(2)[2][4]184
LaLanthanumGreek lanthanien57138.90547(7)[2] 6
LiLithiumGreek lithos36.941(2)[2][3][4][5]12
LrLawrenciumErnest O. Lawrence103[262][1]37
LuLutetiumLatin Lutetia71174.967(1)[2]36
MdMendeleviumDmitri Mendeleyev101[258][1] 7
MgMagnesiumMagnesia, Greece1224.3050(6)23
MnManganeseLatin magnes2554.938045(5)74
MoMolybdenumGreek molybdos4295.94(2)[2]65
MtMeitneriumLise Meitner109[268][1]97
NNitrogenGreek nitron and gen714.0067(2)[2][3]152
NaSodiumLatin natrium1122.98976928(2)13
NbNiobiumNiobe4192.906 38(2)55
NdNeodymiumGreek neos didymos60144.242(3)[2] 6
NeNeonGreek neos1020.1797(6)[2][4]182
NiNickelGerman kupfernickel2858.6934(2)104
NoNobeliumAlfred Nobel102[259][1] 7
NpNeptuniumNeptune93[237][1] 7
OOxygenGreek oxys and gen815.9994(3)[2][3]162
OsOsmiumGreek osme76190.23(3)[2]86
PPhosphorusGreek phosphoros1530.973762(2)153
PaProtactiniumGreek protos and actinium91231.03588(2)[1] 7
PbLeadLatin plumbum82207.2(1)[2][3]146
PmPromethiumPrometheus61[145][1] 6
PrPraseodymiumGreek prasios didymos59140.90765(2) 6
PtPlatinumGreek platina78195.084(9)106
PuPlutoniumPluto94[244][1] 7
RaRadiumGreek radius88[226][1]27
RbRubidiumLatin rubidus3785.4678(3)[2]15
ReRheniumRhine Province75186.207(1)76
RfRutherfordiumErnest Rutherford104261[1]47
RgRoentgeniumWilhelm Conrad Röntgen111[272][1]117
RhRhodiumGreek rhodon45102.905 50(2)95
RnRadonradium and emanation86[220][1]186
RuRutheniumLatin Ruthenia44101.07(2)[2]85
SSulfur (Sulphur)Latin sulfur1632.065(5)[2][3]163
SbAntimonyLatin stibium51121.760(1)[2]155
SeSeleniumGreek selene3478.96(3)[3]164
SgSeaborgiumGlenn T. Seaborg106[266][1]67
SiSiliconLatin silex1428.0855(3)[3]143
SmSamariumsamarskite62150.36(2)[2] 6
SnTinLatin stannum50118.710(7)[2]145
SrStrontiumLatin Strontian3887.62(1)[2][3]25
TaTantalumKing Tantalus73180.94788(2)56
TbTerbiumYtterby, Sweden65158.92535(2) 6
TcTechnetiumGreek technetos43[98][1]75
TeTelluriumGreek tellus52127.60(3)[2]165
ThThoriumThor90232.03806(2)[1][2] 7
TiTitaniumthe Titans2247.867(1)44
TlThalliumGreek thallos81204.3833(2)136
TmThuliumThule69168.93421(2) 6
UUraniumUranus92238.02891(3)[1][2][4] 7
UubUnunbiumLatin uni and bi112[285][1]127
UuhUnunhexiumLatin uni and Greek hex116[292][1]167
UuoUnunoctiumLatin uni and oct118[294][1]187
UupUnunpentiumLatin uni and Greek pent115[288][1]157
UuqUnunquadiumLatin uni and quadr114[289][1]147
UutUnuntriumLatin uni and Greek tri113[284][1]137
WTungstenGerman wolfram74183.84(1)66
XeXenonGreek xenos54131.293(6)[2][4]185
YYttriumYtterby, Sweden3988.90585(2)35
YbYtterbiumYtterby, Sweden70173.04(3)[2] 6
ZnZincGerman zin3065.409(4)124

বর্তমানে অব্যবহৃত প্রতীকসমূহ

Chemical SymbolNameAtomic NumberOrigin of SymbolWhy Not Used
AArgon18Current symbol is Ar.[6]
AbAlabamine85Discredited claim to discovery of astatine.[7]
AmAlabamium85Discredited claim to discovery of astatine.[7]
AnAthenium99Proposed name for einsteinium.[8]
AoAusonium93Discredited claim to discovery of neptunium.[7]
AzAzote7Former name for nitrogen.[6]
BvBrevium91Former name for protactinium.[6]
BzBerzelium59Suggested name for praseodymium.[8]
CbColumbium41Former name of niobium.[6]
CbColumbium95Suggested name for americium.[8]
CpCassiopeium71Former name for lutetium.[6]
CtCenturium100Proposed name for fermium.[8]
CtCeltium72Former name of hafnium.[6]
DaDanubium43Suggested name for technetium.[8]
DbDubnium104Proposed name for rutherfordium. The symbol and name were used for element 105.[6][8]
DiDidymium-Rare earth metal that proved to be a mixture of the elements praseodymium and neodymium.[9]
DpDecipium-Rare earth metal that proved to be a mixture of the elements samarium, neodymium and praseodymium.[9]
EbEkaboron21Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, scandium closely matched the prediction.[8][10]
ElEkaaluminium31Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, gallium closely matched the prediction.[8][10]
EmEmanation86Also called radium emanation, the name was originally given by Friedrich Ernst Dorn in 1900. In 1923, this element officially became radon (the name given at one time to 222Rn, an isotope identified in the decay chain of radium).[6]
EmEkamangan43Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, technetium closely matched the prediction.[8][10]
EsEkasilicon32Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, germanium closely matched the prediction.[8][10]
EsEsperium94Discredited claim to discovery of plutonium.[7]
FaFrancium87Current symbol is Fr.[6]
FrFlorentium61Discredited claim to discovery of promethium.[7]
GlGlucinium4Former name of beryllium.[6]
HaHahnium105Proposed name for dubnium.[8]
HaHahnium108Proposed name for hassium.[8]
IlIllinium61Discredited claim to discovery of promethium.[7]
JIodine53In some languages, the name for iodine begins with J instead of I.[11]
JgJargonium72Discredited claim to discovery of hafnium.[7]
JoJoliotium105Proposed name for dubnium.[8]
KuKurchatovium104Proposed name for rutherfordium.[8]
LwLawrencium103Current symbol is Lr.[6]
MMuriaticum17Former name of chlorine.[6]
MaMasurium43Disputed claim to discovery of technetium.[7]
MdMendelevium97Proposed name for berkelium. The symbol and name were later used for element 101.[6][8]
MeMendelevium68Suggested name for erbium.[6]
MsMasrium49Discredited claim of discovery of indium.[7]
MtMeitnium91Suggested name for protactinium.[8]
MvMendelevium101Current symbol is Md.[6]
NgNorwegium72Discredited claim to discovery of hafnium.[7]
NiNiton86Former name for radon.[6]
NoNorium72Discredited claim to discovery of hafnium.[7]
NsNielsbohrium105Proposed name for dubnium.[8]
NsNielsbohrium107Proposed name for bohrium.[8]
NtNiton86Suggested name for radon.[8]
NwNewtonium67Suggested name for holmium.[8]
NyNeoytterbium70Former name of ytterbium.[6]
OdOdinium62Suggested name for samarium.[8]
PcPolicium110Proposed name for darmstadtium.[8]
PePelopium41Former name for niobium.[6]
PoPotassium19Current symbol is K.[6]
PpPhilippium-Rare earth metal that proved to be a mixture of the elements holmium and samarium.[9]
RfRutherfordium106Proposed name for seaborgium. The symbol and name were instead used for element 104.[6][8]
SaSamarium62Current symbol is Sm.[6]
SoSodium11Current symbol is Na.[6]
SpSpectrium70Suggested name for ytterbium.[8]
StAntimony51Current symbol is Sb.[6]
TnTungsten74Current symbol is W.[6]
TuThulium69Current symbol is Tm.[6]
TuTungsten74Current symbol is W.[6]
TyTyrium60Suggested name for neodymium.[8]
UnbUnnilbium102Temporary name given to nobelium until it was permanently named by IUPAC.[10]
UneUnnilennium109Temporary name given to meitnerium until it was permanently named by IUPAC.[10]
UnhUnnilhexium106Temporary name given to seaborgium until it was permanently named by IUPAC.[10]
UnoUnniloctium108Temporary name given to hassium until it was permanently named by IUPAC.[10]
UnpUnnilpentium105Temporary name given to dubnium until it was permanently named by IUPAC.[10]
UnqUnnilquadium104Temporary name given to rutherfordium until it was permanently named by IUPAC.[10]
UnsUnnilseptium107Temporary name given to bohrium until it was permanently named by IUPAC.[10]
UntUnniltrium103Temporary name given to lawrencium until it was permanently named by IUPAC.[10]
UnuUnnilunium101Temporary name given to mendelevium until it was permanently named by IUPAC.[10]
UunUnunnilium110Temporary name given to darmstadtium until it was permanently named by IUPAC.[10]
UuuUnununium111Temporary name given to roentgenium until it was permanently named by IUPAC.[10]
ViVirginium87Discredited claim to discovery of francium.[7]
VmVirginium87Discredited claim to discovery of francium.[7]
YtYttrium39Current symbol is Y.[6]

চিত্রমূলক প্রতীকসমূহ

Chemical SymbolNameAtomic NumberOrigin of SymbolWhy Not Used
Hydrogen1Daltonian symbol circa 1808.[6]
Sulfur16Alchemical symbol.[6]
Pallas16Alchemical symbol.[6]
Sulfur16Daltonian symbol circa 1808.[6]
Magnesium21Alchemical symbol.[6]
Mars26Alchemical symbol.[6]
Stellae Fixae29Pre-1500s alchemical symbol.[6]
Venus29Alchemical symbol.[6]
Copper29Alchemical symbol.[6]
©Copper29Daltonian symbol circa 1808.[6]
Arsenic33Alchemical symbol.[6]
Luna48Alchemical symbol.[6]
Iupiter50Alchemical symbol.[6]
Antimony51Alchemical symbol.[6]
Antimony51Alchemical symbol.[6]
Platinum78Alchemical symbol.[6]
Platinum78Alchemical symbol.[6]
Uranus78Alchemical symbol.[6]
Sol79Alchemical symbol from the 1500s[6]
Sol79Alchemical symbol from 1700 through 1783.[6]
Pisces80Pre-1500s alchemical symbol.[6]
Neptunus80Alchemical symbol from the 1600s.[6]
Mercurius80Alchemical symbol from 1700 through 1783.[6]
Saturnus82Alchemical symbol circa 1783.[6]
Taurus83Alchemical symbol.[6]
  1. The element does not have any stable nuclides, and a value in brackets, e.g. [209], indicates the mass number of the longest-lived isotope of the element. However, three elements, Thorium, Protactinium, and Uranium, have a characteristic terrestrial isotopic composition, and thus their atomic mass given.
  2. The isotopic composition of this element varies in some geological specimens, and the variation may exceed the uncertainty stated in the table.
  3. The isotopic composition varies in terrestrial material such that a more precise atomic weight can not be given.
  4. The isotopic composition of the element can vary in commercial materials, which can cause the atomic weight to deviate significantly from the given value.
  5. The atomic weight of commercial Lithium can vary between 6.939 and 6.996—analysis of the specific material is necessary to find a more accurate value.
  6. Name changed due to a standardization of, modernization of, or update to older previously used symbol.
  7. Name designated by discredited/disputed claimant.
  8. Name proposed prior to discovery/creation of element or prior to official re-naming of a placeholder name.
  9. Elemental substance found to be multi-atomic.
  10. Temporary placeholder name.
  11. Name currently used in a different language.

নামাঙ্কিত সমাণুকসমূহ

Chemical SymbolNameAtomic NumberOrigin of Symbol
AnActinon86From actinium and emanation. Name given at one time to 219Rn, an isotope of radon identified in the decay chain of actinium.
DDeuterium1From the Greek deuteros. Name given to 2H.
IoIonium90Name given at one time to 230Th, an isotope of thorium identified in the decay chain of uranium.
RnRadon86From radium and emanation. Name given at one time to 222Rn, an isotope of radon identified in the decay chain of radium. This named isotope later became the official name for element 86 in 1923.
TnThoron86From thorium and emanation. Name given at one time to 220Rn, an isotope of radon identified in the decay chain of thorium.
TTritium1From the Greek tri. Name given to 3H.

অন্যান্য প্রতীক যেগুলো দেখতে মৌলের প্রতীকের মত

  • Ab: albite
  • Ac: acetate (also used for the element actinium: see above)
  • Bn: benzyl
  • Bz: benzoyl; berzelium (an old suggested name for praseodymium).
  • Et: ethyl
  • Me: methyl; any metal atom
  • Ph: phenyl
  • Pr: propyl (also used for the element praseodymium: see above)
  • R: some unspecified element or radical




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