CoCASA Algorithm Reference
On This Page
This page describes the algorithms that CoCASA uses to produce reports.
On the report criteria screen, use the “Apply ACIP Recommendations” checkbox to determine dose criteria as specified below
- If “Apply ACIP Recommendations” is not checked on the report criteria screen,
- every dose is considered valid
- a dose count is the only thing that determines whether or not the patient is complete and up to date for an antigen.
- If “Apply ACIP Recommendations” is checked on the report criteria screen,
- the rules listed below are applied for each antigen.

Note: When running reports, the user can choose more or fewer than the number of doses required by the algorithm for completeness. CoCASA will count the patient as complete for that particular antigen based on the lesser of the dose counts. For instance, if the algorithm requires 5 doses of an antigen, but the user chooses 2, then the patient will be counted as complete with 2 doses. Conversely, if the algorithm requires 2 doses but the user chooses 5, then the patient will still be counted as complete with 2 doses. Also note that when ACIP recommendations are applied, the intervals for compliance, missed opportunities, eligibility, and for coming due are calculated from the last valid or invalid dose.
Note: Unless otherwise noted, the definitions listed below apply to all of the algorithms.
Complete and Up To Date:
The patient has received all of the selected vaccinations by either the compliance date or the compliance age as chosen by the user. If, when using compliance age, the patient’s date of birth causes his/her compliance age to fall after the assessment date, the patient is not included in the report, even if he/she falls within the age range chosen for the report. In other words, if you choose compliance by a specified age (e.g., 24 months), any patients that have not yet reached that age at the assessment date will be excluded from the report.
Complete But Late Up To Date:
he patient is not up to date at the compliance date or the compliance age requested for the report, but he/she becomes up to date according to the rules of the algorithm between the compliance date/age and the assessment date.
Bring Up To Date with One Visit:
The patient is not currently up to date by the assessment date, but is one dose shy of being complete for the particular antigen in question. If a report is run against a series of antigens and all of the remaining vaccinations could be given on the same day, then the patient could still be brought up to date with one visit.
Missed Opportunity On the Last Immunization Visit:
On the patient’s last visit for an immunization he/she received a dose of a different antigen than the antigen in question, or there was a reason a different antigen was not given, and at the time of that visit a valid dose of the antigen in question could have been administered in keeping with the patient’s age and the time interval from the previous valid or invalid dose.
Missed Opportunity On All Immunization Visits:
During any of the patient’s immunization visits he/she received a dose of a different antigen than the antigen in question, or there was a reason a different antigen was not given, and at the time of that visit a valid dose of the antigen in question could have been administered in keeping with the patient’s age and the time interval from the previous valid or invalid dose.
Missed Opportunity On All Previous Visits:
During any of the patient’s visits, not just immunization visits, he/she received a dose of a different antigen than the antigen in question, or there was a reason a different antigen was not given, or there was a non-immunization visit of some kind, and at the time of that visit a valid dose of the antigen in question could have been administered in keeping with the patient’s age and the time interval from the previous valid or invalid dose. Dates when only Influenza was given are not considered as a Missed Opportunity for other antigens.
Missed Opportunity On Only Non-Immunization Visits:
During any of the patient’s non-immunization visits, a valid dose of the antigen in question could have been administered in keeping with the patient’s age and the time interval from the previous valid or invalid dose.
Eligible for Immunization:
Those patients who are not complete and up to date as of the assessment date and have no missed opportunities and, based on the rules of the antigen in question, could receive a valid dose of that antigen at the assessment date.
Last Visit < 12 Months Ago or Last Visit ≥= 12 Months Ago:
Only patients who are eligible for immunization are counted in these totals. Both immunization visits and non-immunization visits are counted.
Rules for Each Antigen
The rules listed below are applied for each antigen.
DTaP | Hepatitis A | Hepatitis B | Herpes Zoster (Shingles) | HIB | HPV | Influenza | MMR | Meningococcal | Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) | Polio | Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine (PPV) | Rotavirus | Td | Tdap | Varicella
For validity (if ACIP recommendations are applied; otherwise all doses are valid): | If ACIP recommendations are applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: | If ACIP recommendations are NOT applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: |
Note: DTwP, DTP and DT are all valid substitutes for DTaP. |
Hepatitis A
For validity (if ACIP recommendations are applied; otherwise all doses are valid): | If ACIP recommendations are applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: | If ACIP recommendations are NOT applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: |
Hepatitis B
For validity (if ACIP recommendations are applied; otherwise all doses are valid): | If ACIP recommendations are applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: | If ACIP recommendations are NOT applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: |
Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
For validity (if ACIP recommendations are applied; otherwise all doses are valid): | If ACIP recommendations are applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: | If ACIP recommendations are NOT applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: |
For validity (if ACIP recommendations are applied; otherwise all doses are valid): | If ACIP recommendations are applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: | If ACIP recommendations are NOT applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: |
For validity (if ACIP recommendations are applied; otherwise all doses are valid): | If ACIP recommendations are applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: | If ACIP recommendations are NOT applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: |
For validity (if ACIP recommendations are applied; otherwise all doses are valid): | If ACIP recommendations are applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: | If ACIP recommendations are NOT applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: |
For validity (if ACIP recommendations are applied; otherwise all doses are valid): | If ACIP recommendations are applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: | If ACIP recommendations are NOT applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: |
For validity (if ACIP recommendations are applied; otherwise all doses are valid): | If ACIP recommendations are applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: | If ACIP recommendations are NOT applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: |
Note: the patient will not have any missed opportunities until on or after the 11th birthday. |
Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV)
For validity (if ACIP recommendations are applied; otherwise all doses are valid): | If ACIP recommendations are applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: | If ACIP recommendations are NOT applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: |
For validity (if ACIP recommendations are applied; otherwise all doses are valid): | If ACIP recommendations are applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: | If ACIP recommendations are NOT applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: |
Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine (PPV)
For validity (if ACIP recommendations are applied; otherwise all doses are valid): | If ACIP recommendations are applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: | If ACIP recommendations are NOT applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: |
For validity (if ACIP recommendations are applied; otherwise all doses are valid): | If ACIP recommendations are applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: | If ACIP recommendations are NOT applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: |
For validity (if ACIP recommendations are applied; otherwise all doses are valid): | CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: |
Note: Tdap is a valid substitute for Td, except on the Adolescent Coverage Report. |
For validity (if ACIP recommendations are applied; otherwise all doses are valid): | If ACIP recommendations are applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: | If ACIP recommendations are NOT applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: |
For validity (if ACIP recommendations are applied; otherwise all doses are valid): | If ACIP recommendations are applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: | If ACIP recommendations are NOT applied, CoCASA will count a patient as complete and up to date if: |
- Page last reviewed: October 11, 2017
- Page last updated: July 28, 2017
- Content source: