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Educate the Parent or Patient

Educate the Patient

Health care personnel should be prepared to provide comprehensive vaccine information. Studies show:

  • A strong recommendation from a health care provider is the single most important factor in determining whether or not someone gets vaccinated.
  • People want clear and consistent information about vaccines.

Vaccine information statements (VISs) are information sheets produced by CDC that explain the benefits and risks of a vaccine. Federal law mandates that a VIS must be given:

  • To anyone receiving a vaccine or to that person’s parent or caregiver
  • Every time a dose of vaccine is administered, even if the patient has received that vaccine or VIS before
  • Before administering the vaccine to allow time for questions

In addition, be sure to provide after-care instructions. These should include information on when to seek medical attention and strategies to decrease side effects such as injection site pain, fever, or fussiness.