Vaccination Materials in Spanish

(Materiales sobre la vacunación en español)

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Print materialsHealthcare professionals in the United States serve patients of many nationalities, including many Spanish-speaking citizens and visitors. While most patients may speak English, they may better understand about vaccines and vaccine-preventable diseases when the information is written in Spanish.

Download and print these pieces – or give your patients the Spanish-specific URLs – and promote on-time vaccination across the life span in Spanish as well as in English.

Infants and Young Children

Vaccines for Preteens and Teens (Vacunas para adolescentes)

Ve este divertido video

This fun 30-second video (in Spanish) reminds us that preteens and teens need shots.
(Haga clic para ver este divertido video que nos recuerda que los preadolescentes y los adolescentes necesitan vacunarse.)

Preteens and Teens



Your patients can download vaccine-specific, Spanish-language CDC podcasts to their computer and portable music/video player.
