National Partnership Capacity Building Program

The US public health system is most effective when government teams up with national nonprofit organizations to address emerging epidemics, develop the public health workforce, communicate public health information, translate science to practice, and evaluate effective public health services.

National public health partners with their memberships and associations have the reach, influence, access, and capabilities for an effective public health response. A key role for national public health partners is to provide capacity-building assistance to ensure a capable and efficient public health workforce.

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Current Cooperative Agreements

The Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support (OSTLTS) coordinates funding opportunities that provide capacity building assistance to grantees.

PIHOA Executive Director Emi Chutaro (2nd from left) and members of the OSTLTS Partnership Support Unit visit with then-CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden (2nd from right) at CDC Headquarters.

Grantee Spotlight

For more information about individual grantees and how the current cooperative agreements aim to strengthen their public health systems, view the Grantee Spotlight.

Success Stories

OSTLTS is pleased to share these success stories resulting from partner participation and can be found on the Public Health Practice Stories from the Field website.

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