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Table 22B. Gonorrhea — Rates of Reported Cases per 100,000 Population by Race/Ethnicity, Age Group, and Sex, United States*, 2015

This web page is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being updated. Newer data is available on the STD Data and Statistics page.

Age Group American Indians/
Alaska Natives
Asians Blacks

Native Hawaiians/
Other Pacific Islanders

Total† Male Female Total† Male Female Total† Male Female Total† Male Female
0- 4 1.8 1.2 2.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.5 0.6 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
5- 9 1.7 0.0 3.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.2 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
10-14 18.6 3.3 34.4 0.7 0.2 1.2 43.3 16.0 71.4 15.2 4.9 25.9
15-19 393.8 225.0 567.9 37.6 34.3 41.0 1,218.5 897.8 1,547.3 284.7 183.6 393.0
20-24 656.5 464.8 857.8 82.7 107.2 57.3 1,721.9 1,681.5 1,760.5 420.7 417.7 424.0
25-29 627.8 521.7 736.8 64.3 102.2 28.1 1,145.8 1,415.0 883.3 302.3 408.2 189.2
30-34 402.2 325.8 477.8 43.3 70.5 19.1 582.8 819.6 364.1 204.3 249.3 156.4
35-39 213.6 183.6 243.3 26.7 44.3 11.1 336.3 517.7 173.0 121.4 163.9 76.4
40-44 118.1 97.7 137.8 17.9 31.1 6.4 174.3 289.1 72.0 62.7 86.6 33.0
45-54 47.8 55.3 40.8 10.1 18.2 3.0 100.5 182.9 27.6 25.0 41.3 8.8
55-64 16.0 24.5 8.5 3.0 4.4 1.9 41.1 81.3 7.3 11.7 19.8 3.8
65+ 5.2 9.6 1.6 0.9 1.7 0.3 7.0 16.1 0.9 7.1 10.1 4.4
Unknown Age
TOTAL 192.8 151.2 233.2 22.9 34.5 12.4 424.9 482.2 371.9 123.0 138.7 106.7
Age Group Whites Multirace Hispanics
Total† Male Female Total† Male Female Total† Male Female
0- 4 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4
5- 9 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2
10-14 2.5 0.4 4.6 2.3 0.3 4.3 3.9 1.4 6.5
15-19 94.4 54.6 136.4 88.2 39.0 138.7 150.6 111.2 191.5
20-24 185.8 176.1 195.8 170.4 170.0 170.1 285.5 305.1 263.0
25-29 156.0 173.6 137.6 160.6 224.5 101.1 227.7 282.8 165.5
30-34 101.8 123.5 79.7 100.0 163.7 42.2 133.4 176.4 85.9
35-39 64.3 85.6 42.5 73.0 134.7 18.4 83.0 117.0 46.7
40-44 36.6 52.8 20.2 44.5 83.7 9.6 48.0 71.0 24.2
45-54 22.2 37.1 7.5 34.7 70.1 2.8 30.2 48.8 11.1
55-64 7.3 12.9 1.8 6.2 12.9 0.0 10.0 16.3 4.2
65+ 1.2 2.4 0.3 1.5 3.5 0.0 1.5 2.5 0.7
Unknown Age
TOTAL 44.2 50.3 38.2 50.0 59.3 40.9 80.5 95.8 64.6

* Includes 50 states reporting race/ethnicity data in the Office of Management and Budget compliant formats in 2015.

† Total includes cases reported with unknown sex.

NOTE: These tables should be used only for race/ethnicity comparisons. See Table 21 for age-specific cases and rates and Tables 14-16 for total and sex-specific cases and rates.

Cases in the 0-4 age group may include cases due to perinatal transmission.
No population data exist for unknown sex, unknown age, or unknown race; therefore rates are not calculated.

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