Table 23. Gonorrhea Among Women Aged 15-24 Years - Reported Cases and Rates of Reported Cases by Age, United States, 2011-2015

This web page is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being updated. Newer data is available on the STD Data and Statistics page.

table icon
Year Age Cases Rate per 100,000 Population
2011 15 4,466 220.3
16 8,128 393.4
17 12,308 584.7
18 16,973 796.3
19 17,872 814.3
20 16,865 750.6
21 14,559 647.9
22 12,202 565.4
23 9,861 467.2
24 8,269 397.9
2012 15 4,241 209.4
16 7,316 359.4
17 11,006 530.2
18 15,580 736.2
19 16,709 779.1
20 15,849 717.5
21 15,029 664.7
22 12,800 565.9
23 10,449 480.6
24 8,584 403.4
2013 15 3,776 186.4
16 6,503 320.0
17 9,374 458.8
18 13,393 642.4
19 14,703 691.2
20 14,420 668.8
21 13,394 603.1
22 12,272 539.6
23 10,819 475.3
24 8,855 404.5
2014 15 3,487 171.3
16 6,188 303.9
17 8,830 431.6
18 12,196 591.9
19 13,698 650.5
20 13,801 642.1
21 13,324 611.5
22 12,031 536.0
23 10,746 467.5
24 9,427 409.6
2015 15 3,477 170.8
16 6,090 299.1
17 9,117 445.6
18 12,769 619.7
19 14,024 666.0
20 13,835 643.7
21 13,331 611.8
22 12,597 561.2
23 11,271 490.3
24 10,071 437.6

NOTE: This table should be used only for age comparisons.
Cases reported with unknown sex are not included in this table.

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