Public Health Associate Program

How Do We Apply?

The 2017 host site application period has closed. Applications for next year will open in January 2018.

Prospective applicants can apply to host an associate through the Fellowship Management System. All applications must be completed in full and submitted online to be considered for this opportunity. PHAP recommends that prospective host sites visit this website often to check for updates.

Host sites selected to receive an associate will be provided with a copy of the Host Site Agreement to Detail via email, and a signed copy of this document must be on file with PHAP prior to the associate’s start date.

2017 Timeline
Please note: the dates below provide an example timeline and are subject to change from year to year.

January The host site application period is open January 3–19, 2017. Host site applicants may be contacted for additional information throughout the host site application review process. Organizations can access the PHAP host site application January 3–19, 2017.
August Associates and host site assignments are chosen and matched. PHAP informs both host sites and associates about matches.
October Associates begin their host site assignment in early October and attend the 2017 PHAP Orientation at CDC headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia in mid to late October.
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