Public Health Associate Program

Life After PHAP

The 2017 application period for PHAP candidates has closed. Applications for next year will open in January 2018.

Being a PHAP graduate opens doors. Many graduates have continued their careers or education in public health. Some work for CDC and other federal agencies, state, tribal, local, or territorial health departments, and nongovernmental organizations. Still others are accepted into master of public health (MPH) programs across the United States to further their public health education and build on their strong foundation gained in PHAP.

The charts below provide a snapshot of post-PHAP plans, based on disposition reports created for the PHAP classes of 2013 and 2014, who graduated in 2015 and 2016 respectively. The post-PHAP plans for both classes (2013 and 2014) were similar, except for the percentage of associates working and furthering their education at the same time. One hundred and eighty-two associates from the past three PHAP classes have joined the public health workforce

Post-PHAP Plans for PHAP Class of 2013 Accepted a Job: 52% Job and Education: 12% Furthering Education:20% Looking/Undecided: 16%

Post-PHAP Plans for PHAP Class of 2014 Accepted jobs: 57% Job & education: 12% Furthering education: 13% Looking/Undecided: 16% Service-learning program: 2%

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