"Using Structure and Rules: Can We Make it Simple?" Activity
Below you will find blank daily schedules, family rules charts, chore charts, and rewards charts you can save and print to use with your family.

Sample Daily Schedule
Having troubling getting your child to go from one activity to another during the day? Daily schedules can help because they take the surprise out of what will happen next. Click here to see a sample daily schedule.

Blank Daily Schedule
Click here for a blank schedule you can customize for your family. Think about the activities you want to include. Try to include pictures of the activity so your child easily understands. Put the activities in the order they will happen. Try to keep the schedule similar from day to day.

Family Rules
A family rule is a specific, clear statement of what you expect. Click here for a blank chart you can customize with your family’s rules.

My Chore Chart
Letting your child know what you expect is important for a positive parent-child relationship. Click here for a blank chore chart you can customize for your family. Remember to keep your expectations appropriate for your child’s age.

My Reward Chart
Children love rewards. Praise, hugs, and kisses work really well for young children. But, sometimes you may want to use a sticker or check mark for things like using the potty. Click here for a blank rewards chart you can customize for your family.
- Page last reviewed: May 27, 2014
- Page last updated: May 27, 2014
- Content source: