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	conferences, website, publications

Activities: Consultation Services

The NIOSH Communication and Dissemination Cross-Sector Portfolio provides services to NIOSH research divisions and   NORA sector programs  . These services include conducting conferences, supporting programs, and offering research translation services.

NIOSH Communication Consultation Services

Below are some of the consultation activities available to partners and programs by the Communication and Dissemination Cross-Sector Portfolio.

Client-focused planning

	partnerships Quality Performance Relevance
Working with partners to transfer evidenced-based knowledge into relevant routine practice.

Innovative marketing programs focus on demonstrating critical partner outputs and intended audience outcomes. The key to success lies in collaboratively choosing the proper messages, dissemination strategies and channels to move selected research outputs to practice.

Integrated customer components

The primary audience for many of the communications activities and products at NIOSH are customers who influence the environment and behaviors of workers: employers, policy makers and professional organizations. These activities and products must work in harmony and be consistent with the strategies and interventions that other NIOSH activities and our external communications customers undertake with end-users so that efforts are mutually reinforcing and maximize impact.

Science guided decision-making

Communication project designs for improving client impact are based upon a combination of quantitative and qualitative research, which provides the range of information needed for the design of appropriate communication and marketing activities.

Multi-channel approaches

Communication program managers at NIOSH emphasize the use of multi-channel communication approaches utilizing a combination of marketing and dissemination strategies and channels to achieve desired outcomes.

Evaluation and feedback

Feedback from evaluation activities is essential to understanding program strengths and weakness and suggests a course of action for improving communication and marketing strategies for future initiatives. This will help build a body of knowledge to enhance Institute communication research and marketing strategies.

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