site ID


	conferences, website, publications

Activities: Research Projects

The NIOSH Communication and Dissemination Cross-Sector Portfolio provides services to NIOSH research divisions and NORA sector programs . These services include conducting conferences, supporting programs, and offering research translation services.

Strategic Research Translation for Immigrant Workers: Creating Replicable Models
The project will design and evaluate the effectiveness of a set of culturally appropriate occupational safety and health education materials for Spanish-speaking workers and two pilot modules of a curriculum to train Spanish-speaking community health workers (promotoras) to educate and inform workers about basic occupational safety and health concepts, risks, and protections. Partnerships with academic, community-based, and international organizations, and other stakeholder individuals and organizations, will enhance the acceptability and accessibility of the materials and curriculum as well as ensure their relevance for the intended audience. These partnerships will also be instrumental in developing a mid- to long-term plan for expansion, sustainability, rigorous evaluation, and scale up of this program.

Project Contact: Pietra Check

Promoting Global Initiatives for Occupational Road Safety
The goal of this project is to demonstrate the injury reduction and economic benefit of workplace initiatives to prevent road traffic injuries among workers in the U.S. and globally. To achieve this goal, NIOSH and partners are developed an online library and Wikipedia site for resource materials for occupational road. NIOSH is worked with the World Health Organization, Pan American Health Organization, World Bank, International Labour Organization, National Safety Council, and U.S. Department of State to organize the International Conference on Road Safety at Work in February 2009. The conference was the first international conference dedicated to the prevention of road traffic injuries in the workplace and brought together 220 delegates from 44 countries in the areas of industry, labor, government, NGOs, and the research community. Together, the delegates reviewed the state of knowledge and discussed strategies to promote road safety on the job. NIOSH is currently working to publish a report on international best practices in occupational road safety. Visit the Global Collaborations in Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities page to view conference videos and presentations. Global road safety for workers can also be found on Wikipedia.

Project contact: Jane Hingston
(202) 245-0673
Project period: 2007-2009
