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Timeline of Major DCAS Events for 2004

Establishing the foundation for conducting dose reconstructions as required under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) has been an important and busy time for our Office. Major events of our dose reconstruction program are listed below.

To locate an event, click on one of the months below. A list of events that occurred during that month will be displayed.

Major Events of 2004

  • Technical Information Bulletin: A Standard Complex-Wide Correction Factor for Overestimating External Doses Measured with Film Badge Dosimeters approved
  • Technical Information Bulletin: IMBA Organ, External Dosimetry Organ, and IREP Model Selection by ICD-9 Code approved
  • Huntington Pilot Plant Site Profile: Technical Basis Document: Basis for Development of an Exposure Matrix for Huntington Pilot Plant revised
  • K-25 Site Profile: Introduction and Site Description sections approved
  • Technical Information Bulletin: Maximum Internal Dose Estimates for Certain DOE Complex Claims revised
  • Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) Site Profile: Occupational Medical Dose section approved
  • Hanford Site Profile: Introduction and Occupational External Dosimetry sections revised
  • Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Site Profile: Occupational Medical Dose section approved
  • Rocky Flats Plant Site Profile: Site Description, Occupational Environmental Dose, Occupational External Dosimetry, and Occupational Internal Dosimetry sections approved
  • Y-12 National Security Complex Site Profile: Introduction section approved
  • Nevada Test Site's Site Profile: Introduction and Site Description sections approved
  • Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Site Profile: Occupational Medical Dose section approved
  • Rocky Flats Plant Site Profile: Occupational Medical Dose section approved
  • Fernald Environmental Management Project Site Profile: Introduction and Occupational Medical Dose sections approved
  • Pantex Plant Site Profile: Introduction section approved
  • Fernald Environmental Management Project Site Profile: Introduction section revised
  • Y-12 National Security Complex Site Profile: Occupational Internal Dose section approved
  • Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Site Profile: Occupational Environmental Dose section approved
  • Technical Information Bulletin in Support of INEEL Technical Basis Document Section 6: Reanalysis of Hankin's MTR Bonner Sphere Surveys approved
  • Technical Information Bulletin: IMBA Organ, External Dosimetry Organ, and IREP Model Selection by ICD-9 Code page change revision
  • Mound Site Profile: Site Description section approved
  • Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) Site Profile: Occupational Environmental Dose section approved
  • Pantex Plant Site Profile: Site Description section approved
  • Basis for the Development of an Exposure Matrix for Tennessee Valley Authority, Muscle Shoals, Alabama, Period of Operation: 1951-1955 approved
  • Number of final dose reconstructions sent to the Department of Labor (DOL) exceeds 2,000
  • Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) Site Profile: Occupational External Dosimetry section approved
  • Fernald Environmental Management Project Site Profile: Occupational Environmental Dose and Occupational External Dose sections approved
  • Iowa Army Ammunition Plant Technical Basis Document approved
  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10) Site Profile: Occupational Medical Dose section approved
  • Nevada Test Site's Site Profile: Occupational Environmental Dose section approved
  • Rocky Flats Plant Site Profile: Introduction section approved
  • Congressional Briefing with the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee
  • Technical Information Bulletin: IMBA Organ, External Dosimetry Organ, and IREP Model Selection by ICD-9 Code page change revisions
  • Technical Information Bulletin: Maximum Internal Dose Estimates for Certain DOE Complex Claims page change revisions
  • Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) Site Profile: Introduction and Occupational Medical Dose sections approved
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Site Profile: Site Description section approved
  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10) Site Profile: Occupational Environmental Dose section approved
  • Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Site Profile: Introduction and Site Description sections approved
  • Fernald Environmental Management Project Site Profile: Site Description and Occupational Internal Dose sections approved
  • Mound Site Profile: Occupational Medical Dose section approved
  • Final Rule on the procedures for designating classes of employees as members of the Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) published in the Federal Register
  • Number of final dose reconstructions sent to the Department of Labor (DOL) exceeds 3,000
  • Nevada Test Site's Site Profile: Occupational Medical Dose section approved
  • Report on Residual Radioactive and Beryllium Contamination at Atomic Weapons Employer Facilities and Beryllium Vendor Facilities–Revised released
  • Congressional Briefing with the House Education and the Workforce Committee and the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10) Site Profile: Internal Dosimetry section approved
  • Rocky Flats Plant Site Profile: Occupational Environmental Dose section revised
  • K-25 Site Profile: Occupational Medical Dose section approved
  • Blockson Chemical Company Site Profile: Technical Basis Document for the Development of an Exposure Matrix for Blockson Chemical Company revised
  • Bethlehem Steel Corporation Site Profile: Basis for Development of an Exposure Matrix for Bethlehem Steel Corporation revised
  • SEC Petition Evaluation Internal Procedures approved
  • Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) Site Profile: Site Description section revised
  • Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Site Profile: Occupational Medical Dose section revised
  • Number of final dose reconstructions sent to the Department of Labor (DOL) exceeds 4,000
  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10) Site Profile: Introduction and External Dosimetry sections approved
  • Mound Site Profile: Occupational External Dosimetry section approved
  • Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) Site Profile: Occupational Internal Dose section approved
  • Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Site Profile: Occupational Environmental Dose and Occupational External Dose sections approved
  • Pantex Plant Site Profile: Occupational Medical Dose and Occupational Environmental Dose sections approved
  • Government Accountability Office (GAO) Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims, Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives: Energy Employees Compensation–Many Claims Have Been Processed, but Action is Needed to Expedite Processing of Claims Requiring Radiation Exposure Estimates released
  • Y-12 National Security Complex Site Profile: Page change revisions on Site Description, Occupational Medical Dose, and Occupational Environmental Dose sections
  • Mound Site Profile: Introduction and Internal dosimetry sections approved and page change revision on the Occupational Medical Dose section
  • Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Site Profile: Introduction and Occupational Internal Dose sections approved
  • Argonne National Laboratory–West Site Profile: Site Description, Occupational Medical Dose, Occupational Environmental Dose, and Occupational External Dose sections approved
  • SEC Petition Evaluation Internal Procedures revised
  • Nevada Test Site's Site Profile: Occupational Internal Dose and Occupational External Dose sections approved
  • Number of final dose reconstructions sent to the Department of Labor (DOL) exceeds 5,000
  • October 25: Federal Register Notice Published Announcing that an Iowa Ordnance Plant SEC Petition has met the Minimum Qualifications for Review and Evaluation (1947-1974)
  • Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (includes sections addressing EEOICPA Reform)
  • Page change revision on Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) Site Profile: Occupational Internal Dose section
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Site Profile: Occupational Environmental Dose section approved
  • K-25 Site Profile: Occupational External Dose section approved
  • Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Site Profile: Occupational Internal Dose section approved
  • Y-12 National Security Complex Site Profile: Page change revision on Introduction section
  • Hanford Site Profile: Occupational Internal Dose section revised
  • Argonne National Laboratory–West Site Profile: Introduction section approved
  • Number of final dose reconstructions sent to the Department of Labor (DOL) exceeds 6,000
  • K-25 Site Profile: Occupational Environmental Dose and Occupational Internal Dose sections approved
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Site Profile: Occupational Medical Dose and Occupational Internal Dose sections approved
  • Hanford Site Profile: Site Description section revised
  • Aliquippa Forge Site Profile approved
  • Technical Information Bulletin: Use of Coworker Dosimetry Data for External Dose Assignment approved
  • Technical Information Bulletin: External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the X-10 Site approved
  • Technical Information Bulletin: Analysis of Coworker Bioassay Data for Internal Dose Assignment approved
December 20
  • Federal Register Notice Published Announcing that a Mallinckrodt Chemical Company SEC Petition has met the Minimum Qualifications for Review and Evaluation (1942-1957)