Surveillance Reports

- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Behavioral and Clinical Characteristics of Persons Receiving Medical Care for HIV Infection. Medical Monitoring Project, United States 2014 Cycle (June 2014-May 2015). Surveillance Special Report 17
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Behavioral and Clinical Characteristics of Persons Receiving Medical Care for HIV Infection. Medical Monitoring Project, United States 2013 Cycle (June 2013-May 2014). Surveillance Special Report 16
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Behavioral and Clinical Characteristics of Persons Receiving Medical Care for HIV Infection Medical Monitoring Project United States, 2012. Surveillance Special Report 12, 2015.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Behavioral and Clinical Characteristics of Persons Receiving Medical Care for HIV Infection—Medical Monitoring Project, United States, 2011. HIV Surveillance Special Report 10, 2015.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Behavioral and Clinical Characteristics of Persons Receiving Medical Care for HIV Infection—Medical Monitoring Project, United States, 2010. HIV Surveillance Special Report 9, 2014.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Monitoring selected national HIV prevention and care objectives by using HIV surveillance data—United States and 6 dependent areas—2011. HIV Surveillance Supplemental Report, 2013, 18(5).
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National HIV Prevention Progress Report, 2013.
- Blair, J., McNaghten, A.D., Beer, L., Bertolli, J., Frazier, E., Johnson, C., Fagan, J., Valverde, E., Do, A., Reed, J., Flagg, E. Clinical and Behavioral Characteristics of Adults Receiving Medical Care for HIV Infection, 2005 Pilot Data Collection Cycle. HIV Special Surveillance Report 6, 2010.

- Bradley H, Hall HI, Higa D, LaFlam M, Prejean J, Skarbinski J, Stone A, Valleroy L, Van Handel M, Wolitski R. MMWR Vital Signs: HIV Prevention Through Diagnosis, Care, and Treatment in the United States. 2014 Nov 28; 63(47);1113-1117.
- Blair J.M., Fagan J.L., Frazier E.L., Do A., Bradley H., Valverde E.E., McNaghten A., Beer L., Zhang S., Huang P., Mattson C.L., Freedman M.S., Johnson C.H., Sanders C.C., Spruit-McGoff K.E., Heffelfinger J.D., Skarbinski J. Behavioral and Clinical Characteristics of Persons Receiving Medical Care for HIV Infection – Medical Monitoring Project, United States, 2009. MMWR Surveillance Summary. 2014 Jun 20; 63 Suppl 5:1-22.
- DeGroote N, Korhonen L, Shouse R, Valleroy L, Bradley H. Unmet Needs for Ancillary Services Among Men Who Have Sex with Men and Who Are Receiving HIV Medical Care — United States, 2013–2014. MMWR 2016;65:1004–1007.
- Gant, Z., Bradley, H., Hu, X., Skarbinski, J., Hall, I., Lansky, A. Hispanics or Latinos Living with Diagnosed HIV: Progress Along the Continuum of HIV Care — United States, 2010. MMWR 2014;63:886-90
- Korhonen L, DeGroote N, Shouse R, Valleroy L, Prejean J, Bradley H. Unmet Needs for Ancillary Services Among Hispanics/Latinos Receiving HIV Medical Care — United States, 2013–2014. MMWR 2016;65:1104–1107.
- Whiteside, Y.O., Cohen, S.M., Bradley, H., Skarbinski, J., Hall, I., Lansky, A. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The continuum of HIV care among blacks/African Americans, 2010 — United States. MMWR 2014; 63(5):85-89.
- Singh, S., Bradley, H., Hu, X., Skarbinski, J., Hall, I., Lansky, A. Men Living with Diagnosed HIV Who Have Sex with Men: Progress Along the Continuum of HIV Care — United States, 2010. MMWR 2014; 63(38);829-833
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Estimated percentages and characteristics of men who have sex with men and use injection drugs—United States, 1999–2011. MMWR 2013; 62(37):757-62.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Blair, J.M., McNaghten, A.D., Frazier, E., Skarbinski, J., Huang, P., Heffelfinger, J.D].Clinical and Behavioral Characteristics of Adults Receiving Medical Care for HIV Infection — Medical Monitoring Project, United States, 2007. MMWR 2011; 60(SS11):1-20.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Cohen, S., M. Van Handel, B. Branson, J. Blair, I. Hall, X. Hu, L. Koenig, Skarbinski, J., Tracey, A., Mermin, J., Valleroy, L.] Vital Signs: HIV Prevention through Care and Treatment. MMWR 2011; 60 (47):6.
Recent Publications

- Beer L, Bradley H, Mattson CL, Johnson CH, Hoots B, Shouse RL, Medical Monitoring P. Trends in racial and ethnic disparities in antiretroviral therapy prescription and viral suppression in the United States, 2009-2013: Trends in disparities in HIV care. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2016.
- Beer L, Mattson CL, Bradley H, Skarbinski J, Medical Monitoring P. Understanding Cross-Sectional Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Disparities in Antiretroviral Use and Viral Suppression Among HIV Patients in the United States. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016;95(13):e3171.
- Beer L, Mattson CL, Shouse RL, Prejean J. Receipt of clinical and prevention services, clinical outcomes, and sexual risk behaviors among HIV-infected young adults in care in the United States. AIDS Care 2016:1-5.
- Bradley H, Mattson CL, Beer L, Huang P, Shouse RL, Medical Monitoring P. Increased antiretroviral therapy prescription and HIV viral suppression among persons receiving clinical care for HIV infection. AIDS 2016;30(13):2117-24.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Behavioral and Clinical Characteristics of Persons Receiving Medical Care for HIV Infection—Medical Monitoring Project, United States, 2013 Cycle (June 2013–May 2014). HIV Surveillance Special Report 16. 2016. - DeGroote N, Korhonen L, Shouse R, Valleroy L, Bradley B. Unmet Needs for Ancillary Services Among Men Who Have Sex with Men and Who Are Receiving HIV Medical Care — United States, 2013–2014. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2016;65(37):1004-1007.
- Frazier E, Sutton M, Tie Y, McNaghten A, Blair J, Skarbinski J. Screening for Cervical Cancer and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among HIV-Infected Women Journal of Women’s Health 2016;25(2).
- Iachan R, Johnson C, Harding R, Kyle T, Saavedra P, Frazier E, Beer L, Mattson C, Skarbinski J. Design and Weighting Methods for a Nationally Representative Sample of HIV-infected Adults Receiving Medical Care in the United States-Medical Monitoring Project. The Open AIDS Journal 2016;10:164-181.
- Kelso-Chichetto N, Okafor C, Harman J, Canidate S, Cook C, Cook R. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use for HIV Management in the State of Florida: Medical Monitoring Project. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2016.
- Lin X, Garg S, Mattson CL, Luo Q, Skarbinski J. Prescription of Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia prophylaxis is associated with viral suppression among HIV-infected patients. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care 2016.
- Lin X, Mattson CL, Freedman M, Skarbinski J. Erectile dysfunction medication prescription and sex without a condom among HIV-infected men who have sex with men receiving medical care in the United States. AIDS and Behavior 2016.
- Myers TR, Lin X, Skarbinski J. Antiretroviral Therapy and Viral Suppression Among Foreign-Born HIV-Infected Persons Receiving Medical Care in the United States: A Complex Sample, Cross-Sectional Survey. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016;95(11):e3051.
- Nasrullah M, Frazier E, Fagan J, Hardnett F, Skarbinski J. The association of recent incarceration and health outcomes among HIV-infected adults receiving care in the United States. Int J Prison Health 2016;12(3):135-44.
- Weiser J, Beer L, West B, Duke C, Gremel G, Skarbinski J. Qualifications, Demographics, Satisfaction, and Future Capacity of the HIV Care Provider Workforce in the United States, 2013-2014. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2016.
- Beer L, Valverde E, Raiford J, Weiser J, White B, Skarbinski J. Clinician Perspectives on Delaying Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy for Clinically Eligible HIV-Infected Patients. Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care 2015;14(3):245-254.
- Beer L, Weiser J, West BT, Duke C, Gremel G, Skarbinski J. Delivery of HIV Transmission Risk-Reduction Services by HIV Care Providers in the United States-2013. J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care 2015.
- Bradley H, Viall A, Wortley P, Dempsey A, Hauck H, Skarbinski J. Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program assistance and HIV treatment outcomes. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2015.
- Buchacz K, Chen MJ, Parisi MK, Yoshida-Cervantes M, Antunez E, Delgado V, Moss NJ, Scheer S. Using HIV surveillance registry data to re-link persons to care: the RSVP Project in San Francisco. PLoS One 2015;10(3):e0118923.
- Flagg EW, Weinstock HS, Frazier EL, Valverde EE, Heffelfinger JD, Skarbinski J. Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections Among HIV-Infected Patients in the United States: Estimates From the Medical Monitoring Project. Sex Transm Dis. 2015 Apr, 42(4):171-179.
- Frazier E, Sutton M, Tie Y, McNaghten A, Blair J, Skarbinski J. Screening for Cervical Cancer and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among HIV-Infected Women Journal of Women’s Health 2015.
- Gardner EM, Haukoos JS. At the Crossroads of the HIV Care Continuum: Emergency Departments and the HIV Epidemic. Ann Emerg Med 2015.
- Huang YL, Frazier EL, Sansom SL, Farnham PG, Shrestha RK, Hutchinson AB, Fagan JL, Viall AH, Skarbinski J. Nearly Half Of US Adults Living With HIV Received Federal Disability Benefits In 2009. Health Aff (Millwood) 2015;34(10):1657-65.
- Hughes A, Parisi M, Scheer S. Behavioral and Clinical Characteristics of Persons Receiving Medical Care for HIV Infection– Medical Monitoring Project, San Francisco 2009-2010. San Francisco Department of Public Health, 2015;1-24.
- Kienzle J, Roman C, Chee A, Boggavarapu S, Buyu C. Behavioral and Clinical Characteristics of HIV-positive People Receiving HIV Medical Care in Virginia
- The Medical Monitoring Project in Virginia, 2010. Virginia Medical Monitoring Project (MMP): 2010 Data Summary Report Virginia Department of Health, 2015.
- Krakower DS, Oldenburg CE, Mitty JA, Wilson IB, Kurth AE, Maloney KM, Gallagher D, Mayer KH. Knowledge, Beliefs and Practices Regarding Antiretroviral Medications for HIV Prevention: Results from a Survey of Healthcare Providers in New England. PLoS One 2015;10(7):e0132398.
- Mdodo, R., Frazier, E.L., Dube, S.R., Mattson, C.L., Sutton, M.Y., Brooks, J.T., Skarbinski, J. Cigarette Smoking Prevalence Among Adults With HIV Compared With the General Adult Population in the United States Cross-Sectional Surveys. Annals of Internal Medicine 2015, 162:335-344.
- Mgbere O, Singh M, Arafat R. Measurement system analysis (MSA) of empirically derived composite measure of preventive care counseling practices of HIV medical care providers. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health 2015;4(12).
- Mizuno Y, Frazier E, Huang P, Skarbinski J. Characteristics of Transgender Women Living with HIV Receiving Medical Care in the United States LGBT Health 2015.
- Pearson WS, Davis AD, Hoover KW, Gift TL, Owusu-Edusei K, Tao G. Demographic and Health Services Characteristics Associated with Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections among a Commercially Insured Population of HIV-positive Patients. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2015.
- Radcliffe S, Neaigus A, Bernard M, Shepard C. HIV-related stigma in a New York City sample of adults in outpatient care for HIV infection: a short report. AIDS Care 2015.
- Robertson M, Wei SC, Beer L, Adedinsewo D, Stockwell S, Dombrowski JC, Johnson C, Skarbinski J. Delayed entry into HIV medical care in a nationally representative sample of HIV-infected adults receiving medical care in the USA. AIDS Care 2015:1-9.
- Skarbinski, J., Rosenberg, E., Paz-Bailey, G., Hall, I., Rose, C.E., Viall, A.H., Fagan, J.L., Lansky, A., Mermin, J.H. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Transmission at Each Step of the Care Continuum in the United States. JAMA Intern Med. Published online February 23, 2015.
- Thompson-Paul A, Wei S, Mattson C, Robertson M, Hernandez A, Bell T, Skarbinski J. Obesity Among HIV-Infected Adults Receiving Medical Care in the United States: Data From the Cross-Sectional Medical Monitoring Project and National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Medicine 2015;94(27):1081.
- Weiser J, Beer L, Frazier EL, Patel R, Dempsey A, Hauck H, Skarbinski J. Service Delivery and Patient Outcomes in Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program-Funded and -Nonfunded Health Care Facilities in the United States. JAMA Intern Med 2015;175(10):1650-9.
- West BT, Beer L, Weiser J, Johnson C, Gremell G, Garg S, Skarbinski J. Weighted Multilevel Models: A Case Study. American Journal of Public Health 2015.
- Xia Q, A. N, Bernard M, Raj-Singh S, Shepard C. Constructing a representative sample of out-of-care HIV patients from a representative sample of in-care patients. International Journal of STD & AIDS 2015;0(0):1-7.
- Yehia B, Stephens-Child A, Momplaisir F, Taylor L, Gross R, Dube B, Glanz K, Brady K. Health Outcomes of HIV-Infected People with Mental Illness. AIDS Behavior 2015:10.
- Adedinsewo DA, Wei SC, Robertson M, Rose C, Johnson CH, Dombrowski J, Skarbinski J. Timing of antiretroviral therapy initiation in a nationally representative sample of HIV-infected adults receiving medical care in the United States. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 2014, 28:613-21.
- Beer, L., Oster, A.M., Mattson, C.L., Skarbinski, J. Disparities in HIV transmission risk among HIV-infected black and white men who have sex with men, Medical Monitoring Project, 2009. AIDS 2014, 28:105-114.
- Beer, L., Skarbinski, J. Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Among HIV-infected Adults in the United States. AIDS Education and Prevention AIDS Education and Prevention, 2014, 26(6), 521–537.
- Beer, L., Valverde, EE., Raiford, JL., Weiser, J., White, B., Skarbinski, J. Clinician perspectives on delaying initiation of antiretroviral therapy for clinically-eligible HIV-infected patients. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care. 2014 November 14.
- Do, A., Rosenberg, E.S., Sullivan, P.S., Beer, L., Strine, T., Schulden, J., Fagan, JL., Freedman, M.S., Skarbinski, J. Excess burden of depression among HIV-infected persons receiving medical care in the United States: Data from the Medical Monitoring Project and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. PLoS One, 2014. 9(3).
- Dombrowski JC, Buskin SE, Bennett A, Thiede H, Golden MR.: Use of Multiple Data Sources and Individual Case Investigation to Refine Surveillance-Based Estimates of the HIV Care Continuum. JAIDS 2014, 1;67(3)323-30.
- Eberhart, M.G., Voytek, C.D., Hiller, A., Metzger, D.S., Blank, M.B., Brady, K.A. Travel Distance to HIV Medical Care: A Geographic Analysis of Weighted Survey Data from the Medical Monitoring Project in Philadelphia, PA. AIDS and Behavior. 2014, 18(4): 776-782.
- Firth, CL, Schafer, SD, Greene, K. Monitoring retention in care: using multiple laboratory tests as an indicator for HIV medical care. AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV. 2014.
- Harding, R.L., Iachan, R., Johnson, C.H., Kyle, T., Skarbinski, J. Weighting Methods for the 2010 Data Collection Cycle of the Medical Monitoring Project. Joint Statistical Meeting Proceedings. 2013.
- Hughes, A.J., Mattson, C.L., Scheer, S., Beer, L., Skarbinski, J. Discontinuation of antiretroviral therapy among adults receiving HIV care in the United States. JAIDS 2014, 66(1):80-89.
- Kates, J., Garfield, R., Young, K., Quinn, K., Frazier, E., Skarbinski, J. Assessing the impact of the affordable care Act on Health Insurance Coverage of People with HIV. Kaiser Family Foundation, 2014.
- Keller, S.C., Yehia, B.R., Momplaisir, F.O., Eberhart, M.G., Share, A., Brady, K.A. Assessing the overall quality of health care in persons living with HIV in an urban environment. AIDS patient care and STDs, 2014, 28(4).
- Maier, M.M., He, H., Schafer, S.C., Ward, T.T., Zaman, A. Hepatitis C Treatment Eligibility among HIV–hepatitis C Virus Coinfected Patients in Oregon: a population based sample. AIDS Care (e-ahead of print, 2014).
- Mattson, C.L., Freedman, M.S., Fagan, J.L., Frazier, E.M., Beer, L., Huang, P., Valverde, E.E., Johnson, C., Sanders, C.C., McNaghten, A.D., Sullivan, P., Lansky, A., Mermin, J., Heffelfinger, J.D., Skarbinski, J. Sexual risk behavior and viral suppression among HIV-Infected adults receiving medical care in the United States. AIDS 2014, 28:1203–1211.
- Mgbere O, Khuwaja S, Bell TK, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Arafat R, Essien EJ, Singh M, Aguilar J, Roland E. System and Patient Barriers to Care among People Living with HIV/AIDS in Houston/Harris County, Texas: HIV Medical Care Providers’ Perspectives. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care. 2014 Jun 18.
- Mgbere O, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Bell TK, Khuwaja S, Arafat R, Essien JE, Singh M, Simmons P, Aguilar J. Frequency and Determinants of Preventive Care Counseling by HIV Medical Care Providers during Encounters with Newly Diagnosed and Established HIV Patients. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care. Oct 31, 2014.
- Mgbere O, Khuwaja S, Bell TK, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Arafat R, Blair JM, Essien JE. Managing the Personal Side of Health Care among HIV/AIDS Patients: A Pilot Study of Providers’ Perspectives. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care. Oct 20, 2014. [Epub ahead of print].
- Mizuno, Y., Zhu, J., Crepaz, N., Beer, L., Purcell, D.W., Johnson, C, Valverde, E.E., Skarbinski, J. Receipt of HIV/STD Prevention Counseling by HIV-Infected Adults Receiving Medical Care in the United States, Medical Monitoring Project, 2009. AIDS. 2014, 28(3): 407-415.
- Valverde, E.E., Beer, L., Johnson, C.H., Blair, J.M., Mattson, C.L., Sanders, C.C., Weiser, J., Skarbinski, J. Prevention counseling practices of HIV care providers with patients new to HIV medical care, Medical Monitoring Project Provider Survey, 2009. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care. 2014, 13(2): 127-134.
- Skarbinski, J, Rosenberg, E, Paz-Bailey, G, Hall, I, Rose, C, Viall, A, Fagan, J, Lansky, A, Mermin, J. HIV transmission at each step of the care continuum in the United States. JAMA Internal Medicine. (In press).
- Sutton, M.Y., Patel, R., Frazier, E.L. Unplanned Pregnancies among HIV-infected Women in Care – United States, Medical Monitoring Project, 2007-2008. JAIDS. 2014, 65(3): 350-358.
- Hall, H.I., Frazier, E., Rhodes, P., Holtgrave, D.R., Furlow-Parmely, C., Tang, T., Gray, K.M., Cohen, S.M., Mermin, J., Skarbinski, J. Differences in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Care and Treatment Among Subpopulations in the United States. JAMA Internal Medicine. 2013, 173(14):1337-44.
- McNaghten, A.D., Valverde, E.E, Blair, J.M., Johnson, C.H., Freedman, M., Sullivan, P.S. Routine HIV Testing among Providers of HIV Care in the United States, 2009. Plos One. 2013, 8(1).
- Mgbere, O., Khuwaja, S., Momin, F., Hammons, B. (2013). HMMP Book of Abstracts, Volume 1, 2005-2012. Bureau of Epidemiology, Office of Surveillance and Public Health Preparedness, Houston Department of Health and Human Services. 2013. 72 pp.
- Beer, L., J. Heffelfinger, E. Frazier, Mattson, C., Roter, B., Barash, E., Buskin, S., Rime, T., Valverde, E.E. Use of and Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy in a Large U.S. Sample of HIV-Infected Adults in Care, 2007-2008. Open AIDS Journal. 2012, 6: 213-223.
- Frankel, M.R., McNaghten, A.D., Shapiro, M.F., Sullivan, P.S. Berry, S.H., Johnson, C.H., Flagg, E.W., Morton, S., Bozzette, S.A. A Probability Sample for Monitoring the HIV-infected Population in Care in the U.S. and in Selected States. Open AIDS Journal. 2012, 6 : 67-76.
- Hillman, D., Carelock, B., Tobias, J., Connor, M., Roseberry, J., Lofton, S., Carnicom, L. Social and Clinical Determinants Influencing HIV Treatment Among Hoosiers. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services. 2012, 11(4): 375-387.
- Jenness, S., Myers, J., Neaigus, A., Lulek, J., Navejas, M., Shavvy, R. Delayed Entry into HIV Medical Care after HIV Diagnosis: Risk Factors and Research Methods. AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV. 2012. 24(9): 1240-1248.
- Mascolini, M. Preventable Causes of Death Not Rare in Seattle-Area HIV Group. HIV Treatment Alerts. 2012: 3.
- Momplaisir, F., Long, J., Badolato, G., Brady, K. The Role of Primary Care Physicians in Improving Colorectal Cancer Screening in Patients with HIV. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2012, 27: 940-944.
- Oh, J.Y., Greene, K. He, H., Schafer, S., Hedberg, K. Population-Based Study of Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease Among HIV-Infected Persons. Open AIDS Journal. 2012, 6: 177-180.
- Scheer, S., Hughes, A., Tejero, J., Damesyn, M.A., Mark, K.E., Arguello, A.T., Wohl, A.R. HIV Patients in Care in California: Regional Differences among the California Medical Monitoring Project Sites 2007-2008. Open AIDS Journal. 2012, 6: 213-223.
- Skarbinski, J. Monitoring HIV Care in the United States: The Medical Monitoring Project: Monitoring HIV Care in the United States. HIV Specialist, The American Academy of HIV Medicine. 4: 30-32.
- Skarbinski, J. Evaluating gaps in HIV care and treatment: The Medical Monitoring Project. HIV Medicine Association, 2012.
- Rx for Prevention- Promoting Health through Prevention in Los Angeles County. Barriers and Unmet Need for Supportive Services for HIV Patients in Care in Los Angeles County, California. 2012, 3 (4) :1.
Fact Sheets and Slide Sets

Fact Sheets
Slide Sets
Medical Monitoring Project 2014 Cycle
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Medical Monitoring Project 2013 Cycle
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Interview Instruments
- 2015 Questionnaire
- 2014 Questionnaire
- 2013 Questionnaire
- 2012 Short Questionnaire
- 2012 Standard Questionnaire
- 2011 Short Questionnaire
- 2011 Standard Questionnaire
- 2010 Short Questionnaire
- 2010 Standard Questionnaire
- 2009 Short Questionnaire
- 2009 Standard Questionnaire
- 2008 Short Questionnaire
- 2008 Standard Questionnaire
- 2007 Short Questionnaire
- 2007 Standard Questionnaire
- 2015 Questionnaire
- 2014 Questionnaire
- 2013 Questionnaire
- 2012 Short Questionnaire
- 2012 Standard Questionnaire
- 2011 Short Questionnaire
- 2011 Standard Questionnaire
- 2010 Short Questionnaire
- 2010 Standard Questionnaire
- 2009 Short Questionnaire
- 2009 Standard Questionnaire
- 2008 Short Questionnaire
- 2008 Standard Questionnaire
- 2007 Short Questionnaire
- 2007 Standard Questionnaire
HIV Medication Card
- For copies of the MMP Medication Card please contact CDC.
Medical Record Abstraction

Medical Record Abstraction Forms
- 2015 Medical Record Abstraction Data Elements
- 2014 Medical Record Abstraction Data Elements
- 2013 Medical Record Abstraction Data Elements
- 2012 Medical History Form (MHF)
- 2012 Surveillance Period Inpatient Form (SPIF)
- 2012 Surveillance Period Summary Form (SPSF)
- 2012 Surveillance Period Visit Form (SPVF)
- 2011 Medical History Form
- 2011 Surveillance Period Summary Form (SPSF)
- 2011 Surveillance Period Visit Form (SPVF)
- 2011 Surveillance Period Inpatient Form (SPIF)
- 2010 Medical History Form (MHF)
- 2010 Surveillance Period Summary Form (SPSF)
- 2010 Surveillance Period Visit Form (SPVF)
- 2010 Surveillance Period Inpatient Form (SPIF)
- 2009 Medical History Form (MHF)
- 2009 Surveillance Period Inpatient Form (SPIF)
- 2009 Surveillance Period Summary Form (SPSF)
- 2009 Surveillance Period Visit Form (SPVF)
- 2008 Medical History Form (MHF)
- 2008 Surveillance Period Inpatient Form (SPIF)
- 2008 Surveillance Period Summary Form (SPSF)
- 2008 Surveillance Period Visit Form (SPVF)
- 2007 Medical History Form (MHF)
- 2007 Surveillance Period Inpatient Form (SPIF)
- 2007 Surveillance Period Summary Form (SPSF)
- 2007 Surveillance Period Visit Form (SPVF)
MMP Project Area Acknowledgements

Other Data Collection Instruments

Facility Attributes
- 2013 Facility Attributes
- 2011 Facility Attributes
- 2009 Facility Attributes
- 2008 Facility Attributes
- 2007 Facility Attributes
Provider Survey
- Page last reviewed: May 19, 2017
- Page last updated: May 19, 2017
- Content source: Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention