Information for Potential Participants

  • How are people chosen to participate in MMP?
    All HIV diagnoses are reported to public health departments. From this list, the Medical Monitoring Project (MMP) randomly chooses people living with HIV who are 18 years of age or older to participate in MMP. People are selected once a year so if you were not selected this year you may be selected next year.
  • If I am chosen for MMP, what will I be asked to do?
    You will be asked to answer some questions related to your HIV and the care you receive. We will also ask permission to review your medical records.
  • Why should I participate?
    This is your chance to share your experiences. This is important because your experience matters! Everyone with HIV is not selected to participate. You will represent other people living with HIV, so your participation is important. Your responses will help us collect information that truly represents the experiences of all people living with HIV.
  • Do I have to participate in MMP if I’m selected?
    No, you do not have to participate and you can change your mind about participating at any time.
  • Will I be compensated for my time?
    People who participate will receive a token of appreciation for their participation.
  • Is the information collected kept confidential?
    Yes, all information collected will be kept confidential including your name, your contact information, and, if you have a health care provider, your provider’s name or the facility where he or she practices. Participants’ names, facility names and provider names are NOT sent to the CDC and will NOT be used in any reports.
  • Which areas are participating in MMP?
    The following areas are participating: California; Chicago, IL; Delaware; Florida; Georgia; Houston, TX; Illinois; Indiana; Los Angeles, CA; Michigan; Mississippi; New Jersey; New York City, NY; New York State; North Carolina; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, PA; Puerto Rico; San Francisco, CA; Texas; Virginia; and Washington State.
  • If I am selected to participate, who will be contacting me?
    In most states, health department staff will contact you either by phone or by mail about being a part of MMP. In a few states, your healthcare provider my contact you first.
  • Where can I learn more about MMP?
    You can contact your state or local health department or call the MMP Information Line for more information about MMP.

Community Advisory Board (CAB)

MMP works with a National Community Advisory Board (CAB) made up of local people from each MMP area who care about people living with HIV and the services they receive. They act as a link between MMP staff and people who participate in MMP. CAB members make sure the voice of people living with HIV is heard at the city, state, and national levels. They work with their local health department to make sure MMP respects participants’ rights and protects their privacy. CAB members also make sure the information collected by MMP answers important public health questions. In addition, in some areas CAB members can answer questions about MMP and let you know how MMP helps the local community. For more information, contact local MMP staff in your area or call the MMP Information Line.
