Information for Providers

  • How are participants chosen to participate in MMP?
    All HIV diagnoses are reported to public health departments, as are many reportable health conditions. The Medical Monitoring Project (MMP) samples individuals with a diagnosis of HIV from this list of reported cases. Sampled persons are contacted either directly by their state or local health departments or through their providers to obtain consent for being interviewed and having their medical records reviewed.
  • What is my role as a health care provider?
    MMP has great potential to shape recommendations related to HIV care, treatment, prevention, and support services. Providers of HIV care are essential to the success of MMP. Patients may have a reported HIV-related test result that suggests they have received care at your facility. MMP staff may ask if your facility is willing to provide recent contact information for those patients. You may also be asked to provide access to the medical records of participating patients.
  • How much of my time will be involved?
    Because state and local health department staff will conduct all data collection activities, MMP should not require much of your time. You may be asked to facilitate contacting a sampled person. This might involve providing patient contact information or allowing MMP staff to talk to a patient about participating while they are waiting to see you during a clinic visit.
  • Which areas are participating in MMP?
    The following areas are participating: California; Chicago, IL; Delaware; Florida; Georgia; Houston, TX; Illinois; Indiana; Los Angeles, CA; Michigan; Mississippi; New Jersey; New York City, NY; New York State; North Carolina; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, PA; Puerto Rico; San Francisco, CA; Texas; Virginia; and Washington State. If you choose not to participate, you will be refusing participation for ALL of your patients. You will NOT be replaced by another provider in the sample. Maximizing participation of selected providers and their patients increases the likelihood of obtaining data that is truly representative of patients in care for HIV, in your area, and across the U.S.
  • How will MMP data be presented?
    MMP data collected will be analyzed and presented in aggregate form. The CDC does not have the names of providers or facilities whose patients participate in MMP.

Evaluating Gaps in HIV Care and Treatment: The Medical Monitoring Project

Provider Advisory Board (PAB)

MMP works with a National Provider Advisory Board (PAB) made up of experts in HIV care from each project area representing providers from small, medium, and large; private and public; and urban and rural medical facilities. The PAB collaborates with local and national MMP staff and HIV care providers to provide significant input on how data are collected and what important clinical and public health questions MMP can help answer. PAB members also provide feedback on patient recruitment strategies and increase project awareness within the medical community. PAB members may also serve as local peer resources for those HIV care providers approached to assist with MMP. For more information, contact local MMP staff in your area or call the MMP Information Line.
