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Collaborative Attributes

Attribute Description/Purpose Metrics
Multidisciplinary Oversight/
Advisory Group
Steering group composed of multiple stakeholders(e.g. health department, healthcare facilities, payors, purchasers, consumers, hospital associations, professional organizations). Provides project leadership and guidance, including initial selection of targets for HAI prevention initiatives and ongoing project oversight
  • Letters of commitment from steering group members
  • Face to face meetings
  • Selection of targets for prevention collaborative (i.e. which HAIs will be targeted in the prevention collaborative?)
  • Selection of specific prevention goal
  • Feedback of outcomes to Steering group

Successful prevention collaboratives are dependent on centeral coordination and leadership by dedicated staff. Staff functions/characteristics include:

  1. Project coordination (managing logistics, coordinating meetings, coordinating ommunications, tracking progress, etc.)
  2. Expertise and/or training in healthcare infection control, and
  3. Expertise and/or training in coordinating multicenter collaborative prevention projects
  • Project coordinator on staff
  • Infection control expertise available or on staff
  • Expertise in multicenter collaborative improvement projects (to include recruitment, training, communication, and other related activities) available or on staff
Communication Strategy Successful prevention collaboratives are dependent upon providing a mechanism to facilitate sharing of information and data among participating facilities
  • Demonstrate face to face meetings
  • Demonstrate regularly scheduled teleconferences between face to face meetings
  • Demonstrate other supportive communication infrastructure for regular sharing between participants (web sites, listservs, etc.)
Outcome Measurement System Must have standardized and uniform outcome measures that allow sharing of progress among participants and tracking aggregate progress of collaborative
  • Select measurement system
  • Demonstrate willingness of facilities to participate in measurement system and share data with central coordinator (i.e. letters of commitment)
  • Demonstrate regular feedback of outcome data to participating
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    Atlanta, GA 30333
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