
Pennsylvania infographic showing hai progress

Click here to open the infographic[PDF – 479 KB]

Funding Information

  • 2016 Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases (ELC) funding amount: $1,184,275
    • Activities: Educational Efforts to Promote Appropriate Antibiotic Use; HAI Detection and Response Infrastructure; Coordinated Prevention; and Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) Laboratory Capacity (see ELC HAI-funded Activities for more information)
  • 2015 Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases (ELC) funding amount: $109,500
    • Activities: HAI Prevention Infrastructure 
  • 2015 ELC domestic Ebola supplement: Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR) Program
    • Infection Control Assessment Program: $811,042
    • Targeted Infection Prevention: $1,181,209
  • 2014 ELC Funding Amount: $107,744
    • Activity: HAI Prevention Infrastructure
  • 2013 Affordable Care Act (ACA) funding amount: $147,926
    • Activities: Improving Antimicrobial Use to Decrease Antimicrobial Resistant HAIs and Clostridium difficile infections and Identifying Cost-effective and Evidence-based HAI Interventions Sub-activities
  • From 2009-2012 Pennsylvania received funding to build HAI infrastructure, conduct surveillance, and engage in prevention activities

State plan to address healthcare-associated infections[PDF – 213 KB]

State Contact:

Kimberly Buffington 
Director, Department of Health,Healthcare Associated Infection Prevention
625 Forster Street, Room 610 
Harrisburg, PA 17120

Phone: 717.425.5422 
Fax: 717.705.4250

Pennsylvania Department of Health