Why We Are Here
Nigeria at a Glance
- Population: 12,033,000
- Per capita income: $12,840
- Life expectancy at birth women/men: 54/52 yrs
- Infant mortality rate: 36/1000 live births
Top 10 Causes of Death in Nigeria
Source: GBD Compare, 2010- Malaria 20%
- Lower Respiratory Infections 19%
- HIV 9%
- Diarrheal Diseases 5%
- Road Injuries 5%
- Protein-Energy Malnutrition 4%
- Cancer 3%
- Meningitis 3%
- Stroke 3%
- Tuberculosis 2%
Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa with more than 170 million people.* It is a nation made of more than 250 ethnic groups, 380 languages, and a diverse range of cultural and religious beliefs and practices. Health problems in Nigeria are challenging, but addressing them using public health principles is necessary to support stability in this important area of the world.

Mothers attending a PMTCT clinic in Nigeria.
- Page last reviewed: December 4, 2013
- Page last updated: December 4, 2013
- Content source:
Global Health
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