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Map Details - Rates of Adults and Adolescents Living with Diagnosed HIV Infection by Area of Residence, Year-end 2013

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Rates of Adults and Adolescents Living with Diagnosed HIV Infection by Area of Residence, Year-end 2013

As seen in the map, rates of persons living with HIV infection are highest in the southeastern US, the northeastern US, and major metropolitan areas in the western US. As seen in the top bar graph, by age group, rates are highest among those aged 45–54 years; in the bottom bar graph, by race/ethnicity, rates are highest among blacks/African Americans.


As seen in the map, rates of persons living with HIV infection are highest in the southeastern US, the northeastern US, and major metropolitan areas in the western US. As seen in the top bar graph, by age group, rates are highest among those aged 45–54 years; in the bottom bar graph, by race/ethnicity, rates are highest among blacks/African Americans.

Software used:
Other (website)

Data sources:
Dec 2015

Key words: 
HIV, HIV infection


Health Issue: 
HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, STD, and TB prevention

Author / Contact Information:

